RABO, Prof. Jude Sammani

DVM,MVSC,Ph.D;veterinarian, academic, administrator; b:June21.1961; p: Tadnum; ht: Tadnum; Iga: Bogoro; so: Bauchi; m: Bless, December 27, 1985; nc: six d; cd: Tadnum Primary School, 1967-75;Gindiri BoysSecondary School, Plateau State. 1975-80; Ahmadu BelloUniversity, Zaria, 1980-86; Universityoflbadan, 1988-90; University ofMaiduguri, 1995-99;International Livestock Research Institute, Nairobi, Kenya, 2001; cr: Asst. Lecturer. University ofMaiduguri, 1987-90; Lecturer II,1990-92; Lecturer1,1992-95; Snr. Lecturer, 1995-98; Associate Professor, 1998-2001; Professor, Department ofVeterinary l*athology. University ofMaiduguri. since 2001; Ilead. Diagnostic Unit(Pathology), Veterinary Teaching I lospital. University of Maiduguri. 1995-2005; Deputy Dean. Faculty ofVeterinary Medicine. University ofMaiduguri. 1999-2002; Ilead. Department ofVeterinary Pathology, University ofJVlaiduguri, 2002-05; din, Veterinary TeachingHospital, University of/griculture, 2006-07;Dean,Collegeof Veterinary Medicine.UniversityofAgriculture. Makurdi,since2008; Research Scientist (Livestock), CenterforAridZoneStudies, University ofMaiouguri linkage with Sllsoe College, UK, 1994; Admission Officer, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University ofMaiduguri, 1994-99; Examinalion Time Table Officer, 1994-99; cc: Department of Biological Sciences.University ofMaiduguri, 2000-05; University oflbadan, 2004-07; University ofNigeria, Nsukka, 2008; ResourcePerson, Tarabaand BornoStatesAgriculturalDevelopment Programme, 1992; mm: MemberofSeveral Senate,Administrative andCollege/ Faculty Committees at the University of Maiduguri and Universityof Agriculture, Makurdi; ch: Convocation LectureSub-Committee,2006;AntiCorruptionand Transparency Unit,UniversityofAgriculture,Makurdi; mm: Nigerian Veterinary.Medical Association; Veterinary Council of Nigeria; College of Veterinarian Surgeons; 'Technical Associate, International Livestock Research Institute, Nairobi, Kenya; ah: Prize Award for being thebest final year student in Agricultural Science and Biology inSecondary School; Federal Government Post Graduate Scholarship Award, 1988-89; Fellowship Award/Study Leave, UniversityofMaiduguri, 1988-90; Technical Associate, International Livestock Research Institute, Nairobi, Kenya, Sponsored by Vienna, 2001; Elected Nominee, Faculty ofVeterinary Medicine for Annual Merit Award bythe Federal Military Government. 1995; CAB$ 1,000 Award for anArticle on Bakesia; publ: CulturalandSerological Studieson Yesinia Enterecolitica Infection in Slaughtered Sheep and Goats in Nigeria, Zariya Veterinary, vol.32, pp.58-61,1988; Studies ona Field OutbreakofFatty Liver Syndrome in Caged Laying Chickens in the Semi-Arid Zone ofNigeria, Annals of Bpmo,6,7#p252-2ffl,EffectsofBermilonthePothogenesJsojTryp^ Bruccei in Infected Rats, Nigerian Journal ofAnimal Production, vol. 12, pp. 142-144,1994; Outbreak ofBovine BabesiosisinMonguno Local Govt. Area. Borno State. Nigeria: A Case Study, Annals of Bomo, vol.11-12, pp.345-348; Biochemical Evaluation ofBenzene-Induced Cyto-taxity iniRats, .WestAfrican Journal ofBiol. Sc, vol.5,No.2,159-163, \996; Outbreak of Infectious Bursal Disease Associated with Acute Septicemic Colibacillosis in Adult Pre-Layer Hens, Revue Elev. Med. Vet. Pays Trap. 49,2:110-113, 1997; Studies on the Effectof Crude Garlic-Extracton Some Biochemical andHaemotological Parameters in New Castle Disease Infected Chicks, Annalsof Bomo, 15-16,310-318; Comparative Assesment ofAnameia Caused by TrypasosomaBrucei and that Induced by DifluoromethylomithinetDFMO inrats, Studies and Researches in Vet. Medicine Supplement, 1:57-66,2001; Chronic Toxicity ofAqueous Extract ofButyrospermum, Paradoxum Stem Barkin Rabbits 1,HaematologyandEzymologyI, StudiesandResearches in Veterinary Medicine Supplement, 1:37-46,2003; UseofNeem,Azadirechita lndica, Aqueous Extract asa Treatmentfor Poultry Coccidiosisin Borno State. Nigeria,A.ftican Scientist,vol.7,147-153; HistomorphologyofQuail Bursa Experimentally Infected with Infectious Bursal Disease Virus, Proceedings of NVMA Annual Conference held in Maiduguri, 2007; hob: reading, traveling, sports; off:Dean's Office, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University ofAgriculture, Makurdi, BenueState.
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