REJU, Dr. Sunday Augustus

FAC, B.Sc, M.Sc, Ph.D; mathematician, computer scientist; b: march 15,1959; p: Oboro; Iga: Ese-Odo; so: Ondo; married; nc:four, ed: Methodist Primary School,Oboro/lgbotu,OndoState, 1964-70; Methodist Secondary Modern School,Igbobini,OndoState, 197173; Divisional Teachers' College, OdeAye,Ondo State, 1975-78; University of Jos, 1979-83; Universityoflbadan, 1984-85; Universityof Ilorin, Ilorin, 1992-95; Administrative StaffCollegeofNigeria, Topo, Badagry, 2001; cr: Teacher, Primary School, Ministry ofEducation, Western State, 1974-75; Teacher, Secondary School, Ministry of Education, Ondo State, 1978-79; Campus Programmes Coordinator, Deeper Christian Life Ministry, (NYSC) Kaduna State, 1983-84; Graduate Asst., Department of Mathematics, UI, Ibadan, 1985-86; Asst. Lecturer, Oerjartmentof Mathematics, University of Jos, 1986-89; Lecturer II, 1989-91;Lecturerl,MatItentatics/ConjputerScience Department, Federal University ofTechnology, Minna, 1991-96; Senior Ucturer, Mathematics/Computer Science Department, Federal Universityof Technology, Minna, 1996-2000; HOD, Mathematics/Computer Science Department, Federal University ofTechnology, Minna, 1999-01 ;ch., Nigerian University Computer Networks (NUNet), Federal University ofTechnology, Minna, 1999-01; Assoc.Prof., Mathematics/Computer Science Department, 2000-03; Visiting Lecturer(Sabbatical Leave), Matlterratics/Cornputer Science Department, Rivers State University ofScience&Technology, Port Harcourt, 2001 -02; Associate Prof., NOUN,School ofScience & Technology, since 2003; Ag. Dir. (Pioneer) RETR1DAL, since 2003; Ag. Chairman, Committee of Deans, NOUN, Ugos, 2003; Sec, RETR1DAL Advisory Board, since 2003; Dept. Examination Officer, University of Jos, 1989-90; m: Faculty Examination Malpractice Committee, 1989-90; University Senate, Federal University ofTechnology, Minna, 1999-01; Computer Services Management Board, Federal University ofTechnology, Minna, 1994-96; University Senate, NOUN, Ugos,since2003; ch., Nigerian University Computer Networks, Federal University ofTechnology, Minna, 1999-01; Ag. Ch., Committee of Deans, NOUN,Ugos 2003;ItemWriter forMaths, JAMB, 1991; Editor, Remedial MathsCNOUN Course Development, 2003; conferences: Computer Environment Frauds Update Workshop in Effective Computing ina Productive Organization and Prevention of Frauds, Minna, 1996; Relevanceof Computer Education at Primary School Level, Minna, 1997; Quality Assurance&the Role of Focal Points, University ofBuea,Cameroon, 2005, etc.; Fellow Academy of Control, Nigeria (FAC); mm: Nigeria Computer Society(MNCS); Mathematical Association ofNigeria(MMAN).ScienceTeachersAssociation ofNigeria (MSTAN); Nigeria Statistical Association (MNSA); Board of ResearchAdvisors,American Biographical Institute(ABO,since2004;Senior mem., International Association ofComputer Science & Information Technology (IACSIT); mm: Nigerian University Computer Networks (NUNet), Federal University ofTechnology, Minna, 1998-01; World Bank Project Consultant for the Computerization ofthe Kogi State Water Board Financial Management, April 1999-2000; ah: Federal Government Best Student, National MeritAward in Mathematics. 1982-83; Fellow, Academyof Controls (FAC); publ:CycleII,(Mathematics) Module2, Units1-5, NTI, Kaduna, 1990; Cyclell,(Maihematics) Module 7, Units 6-10, NTI, Kaduna, 1990;Cycle HI,(Mathematics) Module 8, NTI, Kaduna, 1991; Cycle III, (on Mechanics)Module8,Units6-l0,NTl,Kaduna, 1991; Cycle IV, (Mathematics) Module4, Units I-5(on Differential Equations), NTI. Kaduna, 1992; co author, Fundamentals of Computer Science and Technology, KAY-EM Publishers, 2003; Software Application Skills, NOUN, Ugos, 2006; Computational Results oftheOptimal Control ofthe Diffusion Equation with the Extended Conjugate Gradient Algorithm, co-author, Zentralblatt Math Database, 1931-06, European Mathematical Society; hob: Computing; off: National Open University ofNigeria, (NOUN), Regional Training& Research Institute forOpen&Distance Learning(RETRIDAL),14/16Ahmadu Bello Way, V.I Ugos; tel: +23412712661; +23418910540; +2348033135420; em: [email protected];
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