SAGANUWAN, Alhaji (Dr.) Saganuwan

DVM, PGD, M.Sc, Ph.D; veterinary doctor, pharmacologist, lecturer, administrator, b: August 4,1969; p: KpataKatcha; Iga: Mokwa; so: Niger, m: Zainab Muhammad, April 30,2000; Fatimatu Muhammad, July 12,2003; nc: three s, four d; ed: Wunangi Kede PrimatySchool,Kpata-Katcha,NigerState, 1976-82; Datdo Secondary School, Agaie, Niger State, 1982-88; Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto, 198998; 2001-04; 2004-09; University of Agriculture, Makurdi, 2006-08; cr: National Youth Service, 1999-2000; Veterinary Officer I, Niger State Civil Service, 2001-05; Voluntary Teaching Service, College ofHealth Sciences, Usman Danfodiyo Univereity, Sokoto, 2005; Teacher, College ofVeterinary Medicine, University ofAgric, Makurdi, since 2005; Lecturer II, 2005-08; Ucturer I,since 2009; Associate Editor, Journal of"MedicalandPrHimaceutical Sciences; Editorial Board: International Journal of Plant Physiology and Biochemistry; Journal of Diabetes and Endocrinology; African Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology; Research in Pharmaceutical Biotechnology; Journal ofInfectious Disease and Immunology; JournalofPublic Health and' EpideminblogyJoumal ofGenetics and Genomics; Journal ofCancer Research and Experimental Oncology; An Associate Editor, Kan Educational Books; Reviewer, Journal ofMedicinal Plants Research; mm: Veterinary College Examination Time Table Committee, Univereity ofAgriculture, Makurdi; Board, College ofVeterinary Medicine, Univereity ofAgriculture, Makurdi; College of Forestry and Fisheries, University ofAgriculture, Makurdi; Registration/Time Table Officer, Collegeof Veterinary Medicine, Univereity ofAgriculture, Makurdi; ColiegeofVeterinary Curriculum Review Committee; College ofVeterinary Medicine Examination Misconduct Committee; mm: Veterinary Council of Nigera; Nigerian Veterinary Medical Association; Honorary, Nigeria Food, Science and Technology, publ: Co-author, In- vitro Antimicrobial Activities Testings ofabrus Precautions Leaf Cold Water ExtmamStreptococaaPyogenesandStreptococ^ Proceedings ofthe 2* Annual Conference ofNigerian Society for Indigenous Knowledge andr3evdopmenLObubra,(l),2W5;//ae»w^^^ ofSingle Intravenous Bolusof Ceftriaxone in Nigerian Mongrel Dog, Proceedings ofthe J"Annual ConferenceofNigerian Society for Indigenous Knowledge and Development, University of Calabar, 2006; Disposition Kinetics ofSulphadimidine in Nigeria Mongrel Dog, Journal ofScientific and Industrial Studies 1(2X2003; Nutritive Potential ofNeem Seed Kernel, Journal of Scientific& IndustrialStudies3(I),2005; In-vitro Antimicrobial ActMtiesTestingofAbrusPreartoruis LeafColdWater ExtractonSalmanella Typhimuruim Eschorichia Coli &Klebsiella Pneumonia, Journal ofScience &Technology Research, 4(3), 2005; Evaluation ofSida Acuta Subspecies AcutaLeaf/FlowercombinationforAntimicrobialActivity and Phytochemical Constituents, 7(2), 2006; Haemalological and Effects ofSulphadimidine in Nigeria MongrelDog, Animal Research International 3(2), 2006; Malaria ClimcalaruiLab^torylrnporicmce, Journal &K*^2Q),2W6;EfiectsqfCeflriaxo^ ParmetenpjTurkey,Anima\ Research International 3(3), 2006; Antagonistic Effects ofCefriaxone and Sulphadimidine on Ketamine and Thiopentone Anasesthetics in Nigeria Local Dog, Journal ofAdvancementin Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences 2(2), 2008; Weight Reducing and Antiamphetamine Effects ofAmbylgonocarpusAndongensisinWistar Albino Rats, Journalof Research in Bioscience,4(2), 2008; Tropical Plants thatareUsedto Treat Animal Diseases in Nigeria, Journal of Herbs, Spices and Medical Plants; L^elayedEffectsofCefiriaxoneon Haemalological and Biochemical Parameters ofNigerian Local Turkey Poult, Journal of Research in Agriculture, 5( I), 2008; Anti-bacterialActivityandPhytyochemicalAnalysis ofAmaranthus PinosusA IpomeaSarifolia, Orient Journal of Medicine 20( 1-4), 2008; sc: presd., Kpata Progressive Association of Kede (KPAKE); hob: reading, purposeful travelling; off: Department ofVeterinary Physiology, Hiamtacology and Biochemistry, ColiegeofVeterinary Medicine, University ofAgriculture, Makurdi; e-m: [email protected]; tel: 07039309400; res: P.O. Box 31, Katcha, Niger State; tel: 07063705081; pha: P.O. Box 31, Katcha, Niger State;tel: 07063705081
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