SAGUA, Vincent Ozugbe

B.Sc. Ph.D., D.Th., FISON; fisheries biologist; cleric; b: August 26,1938; ht: Ovworigbala; ht: Ovworigbala; Iga: Ughelli South, so: Delta; m: Charlotte lyabode Ajai-Ajagbe. April 24, 1965; nc: two s, one d; ed: Roman Catholic School,Warri, 1947-52; Government College. Ughelli. 1952-59; University College, Ibadan, 196063; Faith Bible College & Seminary. Ota, 1992-96; University of London (External). UK, 2004-07: University ofI lawai (External): cr: Fisheries Research Officer. Federal Departmentof Fisheries. Lagos, 1963-72; dir. Kainji Lake Research Institute, New Bussa. 1972-7*); Fisheries. Federal Ministry of Science and Technology, 1979-81; Uke Chad Research Institute, Maiduguri, 1981 -85; Science and Technology Information Ser-vices, Federal Ministry of Science and Technology, 1985-98; Pastor, Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG), since 2002; mm: presd. Government College Ughelli Old Boys'Association, Ugos Branch, 1987-91; Mediator, Centre for Effective Dispute Resolution, UK; f: Fishery Society ofNigeria (FISON); Fishery Technology, publ: Ecological Disasters in Nigeria: Erosion: Ecological Disasters in Nigeria: Drought, co-ed., Federal Ministry of Science and Technology, Ugos, 1987; Help for the Inquirer on Church Teachings & Beliefs, Sam Press, 2008; sc: presd. Rotary Club, Maiduguri, 1984-85; Ugos Uwn Tennis Club, since 1986; Paul HanisFellcw.Rotaty international; h: lawn tennis, swimming, reading; off: RCCG, Resurrection Parish, Ugos/ Epe Express Road, Ukki, Ugos; tel: 08033321096; res: Block4 House 6A, Mobolaji Johnson Place, Lekki, Lagos; tel: 01-2708393; e-m: [email protected].
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