SALAU, Dr. (Mrs.) Oreoluwa

BA. M.Sc. Ph.D.. meteorologist, agroclimalologist, university teacher; b:May 27. 1952. p:Lagos; in: Adcmola Salau, 1974;nc: one s, two d. ed: Jibril Martin Ahmadiyya Grammar School, 1965-69; Federal School of Science, Lagos, 1970-71; Bowling Green State University, Ohio, USA, 1974- 75; Douglas College, Rutgers University, New Brunswick. New Jersey, USA, 1975-77; Graduate School. Rutgers University. 1977-79: University of Ibadan, 1986-89. cr: Aviation Meteorology Instructor, Nigerian Civil Aviation Training Centre, Zaria. 1980-83; Part-time Lecturer, Ahmadu Bello University. Zaria, 1981-82: Research Fellow, Institute of Flood, Erosion, Reclamation and Transportation, Rivers State University of Science and Technology, Port Harcourt, 1983-87; Lecturer 1, Department of Geography, University of Port Harcourt, 1987-89; snr. Lecturer, (Meteorology and Climatology), Department of Geography, 1989-92; snr. Lecturer/Head of Department, University of Port Harcourt, 1992-95; Consultant on Environment and Gender/ Adjunct prof: Earth Science since 1995; f: Royal Meteorological Society, London; member, third World Women in Science. Trieste. Italy; mm: Women in Environment and Development Organisation, New York, Nigerian Society of Meteorology, Nigerian Environmental Study/Action Team, Ibadan, Nigerian Geographical Association, publ: Temporal and Comparative Analysis of Thunderstorms and some related phenomena in Zaria, Jos and Kaduna. Nigeria, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Climatology, Vol. 37:220-282. 1986; An analysis of Rainfall Amount. Duration, and Intensity in Port Harcourt. Nigeria, Journal of Meteorology, Vol.13: 86-92, 1988; Rainfall features of a Humid (semi-hot) Equatorial Climate: The Case of Port Harcourt, Nigeria, Journal of Meteorology, Vol.12: 271-280; Is artificial rainmaking a viable option for improved water supplyfor Nigerian Cities?, African Urban Quarterly, Vol. 4:117-121, 1989; Some dewfall features of a tropical station: The case of Onne near Port Harcourt, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Climatology, Vol. 37: 233-240: Effects of mulching on soil properties. Growth, and yield of plantain on a tropical ultisol in southeastern Nigeria. Soil & Tillage Research, Vol.23: 73-93, 1992; Response of plantain to mulch on tropical ultisol part 1: Effect of different mulching materials on soil physical and chemical properties. International Agrophysis, Vol.6:55-65, 1992; co-author. Response of plantain to mulch on tropical ultisol Part II: Effect of different mulching materials on hydrological properties. International Agrophysics, Vol.6: 145-152. 1992; Response of plantain to mulch on tropical ultisol Part III: Effect of different mulching on crop growth and yield. International Agrophysics. Vol.6: 153-160; hob: Arts and culture, farming, travelling, res: 545, Greenhaven Road, Rye, New York. N.Y. 10580, USA.
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