SALAU, Prof. Ademola Tokunboh

BA. MCP. Ph.D., ecologist, geographer, urban and regional planner, university teacher; b: December 21, 1946; p: Lagos; m: Oreoluwa Said, 1974;nc: one s, two d; ed: Ahmadiyya College, Agege, 1962-66: Central State University, Ohio, USA, 1969-72; Howard University, Washington DC. USA, 1972-74; Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey. USA. 1975-79. cr: Adjunct prof. State University of New York. USA. 1976-77; Lecturer, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey, USA, 1977-78; Adjunct prof. Department of City Planning, Howard University, Washington DC, USA, 1978-79; Lecturer 1, Department of Geography. Ahmadu Bello University. Zaria, 1979-81; snr. Lecturer, Department of Geography. Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria. 1981-83; aprofVHcad of Department, Department of Geography, University of Port Harcourt, 1983-86; visiting prof. Graduate School of International Affairs, University of Denver, Colorado. USA, 1986; prof. Department of Geography, University of Port Harcourt. 1986-98; Dean. Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Port Harcourt. 1986-88; Deputy Vice- Chancellor, University of Port Harcourt, 1990-94; Dean, School of Graduate School. 1992-94; ag. v-c. University of Port Harcourt, 1994-95; GEF Regional Coordinator for Climate Change for Africa, UNDP, New York. USA, since 1995; ch:/trustec, Executive Committee of Nigerian Environmental Study/Action Team. Ibadan. 1987-98; mm: Committee of Management, Commonwealth Geographical Bureau, London, 1988-92; v-ch: Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change Programme, Barcelona and Geneva, 1992-96; coordinator. Multinational Working Group on Environment, Dakar, Senegal, since 1991; mm:African Biodiversity Advisory Group, Washington DC, 1992-96; Advisory Board for UNDP's Africa 2000 Programme, 1993- 94; Regional Roundtable for Equitable and Sustainable Development for Central and Western Africa, Dakar, Senegal, 1992-96; v-presd. Nigerian Geographical Association, 1990-92; presd. 1993-94; mm: Board of Trustees, Shehu Shagari World Institute for Leadership and Good Governance, since 1998; Association of American Geographers, Regional Science Association, USA. publ: Nigerian Cities: The Evolution and Dynamics of an Urban System, Zims Pan African Publishers, Oguta, 1987; co-author, Cities and Development in Third World, Manscll, London. 1990; The Challenge of Sustainable Development in Nigeria, NEST, Ibadan, 1992; co-author. Global Environmental Change: A Research Agenda for African, CODESRIA, Dakar, Senegal, 1992; co-author, Land Degradation, NEST, Ibadan, 1989. hob: reading, music, travelling, walking, off: UNDP, One UN Plaza, DC 1-2384, New York, N.Y. 10017, USA. tel: 212-906-5911. fax: 212-906-6362. res: 545, Greenhaven Road, Rye, New York, N.Y. 10580, USA.
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