SAMSON, Rev Dr Augustine Jimmy

Clergy ma n; Founder and Director, Free Grace Fo unda tion, Inti Inc; LGA: Ns it Ibom; Bo rn: Apr 14, 195 5; Marri ed to Mrs Me rc y Austine Samso n; Education: Lott Carey Ba pti st Sec Sch, Itu , 1972-76, WASC; Univ of Ca la ba r, 1976-80, B.Sc (Po l Sc); 1984-87, M.Sc Comparat ive Po liti cs; Church of Jes us Christ Bible Coli , U.S.A, (N ig Campus), 1987-89, D.D; Haggai Inst for Advanced Leadership Training, Singapore, 1990; Vis ion Chri st ian Univ, U.S.A, (N ig Campus), 199 1-92, Ph.D, Missiology; Caree r and Work H isto r y: Teache r, Akinl a lu High Sch, Oyo State, 1980-81 (NYSC); Lecturer, Coli ofEd uc, Uyo, 198 1-83; Univ ofCRS, 1983-89; Fu ll t ime Pastora l Min, 1989- present; Civic a nd P olitical Activities : Secretary Gen, Students' Uni on Govt, Univ of Ca labar, 1975-76; Sec Gen, Grad uate Students ' Assoc, Univ of Ca labar, 1984-85; Hon Mem, Const itu ent Assemb ly, 1988-89; Faculty Mem, Haggai Inst of Advanc ed Leadership Tra inin g, Singapo re, 199 1; Nat Sec, Yo uth Win g, Ch ri st ian Asscn ofNig (Yo uth CAN), 1987-95 ; State Pres, Youth Wing, CAN, 1986-96; Mem, Translator/Reviewer, Efik Bibl e Trans lat ion Com mittee; Chapte r Pres, Pe ntecos tal Fe ll owship ofN ig (PFN), Etin an, 1993- prese nt; Chairm an, Ed ito rial Committee, AKS Pentecosta l Fellowship ofN ig; Director, Unwana Commin ity Bank, Eket; Executive Sec, Chr ista in Asscn of Nig (CAN), AKS, 1996- present; P ublications: Author of two plays sc ri pted for Te lev is ion drama produ ct ion; a Book, Being Like Chrisl, 198 1; severa l unpubl ished works; prese nted Papers at both Spiritual and Secul ar Confe rences, Workshops and Seminars; Honours, Awa rds and Recognitions : Jerusa lem Pil grims (1P), 1995; Hobbies a nd I nterests: Writ ing, Mus ic, Drama, Counse ll ing, Volley, Football, Travelling; Home: Embassy of Grace ,P.O.Box 380,Etin an,Tel: (0 85)3 41 025.
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