SANDA, Professor Akinade Olumuyiwa

B.Sc, M.A., Ph.D; sociologist; b: December 11,1942;ht: Ibadan; so:Oyo; m: Folasade Bammeke, 1969; nc: three s,twod; ed: Ogbomoso Grammar School, 1957-62; Olivet Baptist High School, I%3-64; Universityoflbadan, 1964-67; UniversityofCalifornia, LosAngeles, USA, 1969-74. cr: Research Assistant fortheScandina-vian, InstituteforAfricanStudies andthe Na-tionalCouncil forNigerianWomen, 1967; Research Assistant, Com-parative Study.ofModern Organisations, Stanford University, California, USA, 1967; Research Assistant, Nigerian In-stitute ofSocialandEconomicResearch, Ibadan, I%8; TeachingAssistant, Department of Sociology, University oflbadan, 1968-69; occasional Lecturer/ part-time Instructor, Departmentof Sociology, Univereity of California, Los Angeles, 1971-72; Research Sociologist, Drug Dependency Unit, Charing Cross Hospital, Undon, 1972-73; Junior Research Fellow, Department of Sociology, Universityof Ibadan, 1973; temporary Ucturer, 1973-74; Ucturer II, Ucturer I, Department of Sociology, University oflbadan, 1974-78; Associate Research fellow, Nigerian Institute ofSocial and Economic Research, Ibadan, 1974-77; ch. Ibarapa Zonal Health Board, Ibadan, 1977-78; Senior Research Fellow, dir.Research, Manpower Development, Ibadan, 1978-84; Research pro-f.Nigerian Institute ofSocialand Economic Research Ibadan, 1981 -84; Visiting Senior Ucturer, Department of Sociology, University of Ife, (nowObafemi Awolowo University), Ile-Ife, 1980-81; Special Adviser(on Social Service) totheGovernor, OyoState, 1983; prof.PublicAdministration, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, since 1984; Dean, Faculty of Administration,ObafemiAwolowo University,lle-lfe, 1985-88;Secretary, Association of Univereity Teachers, University oflbadan, 1975-77; mm.Oyo Health Council, 1977-78, Oyo State Chapter ofthe National Committee on the Dissemination ofInformation on Action AgainstApartheid, 1977-79, Board ofInstituteofAfrican Studies, Universityoflbadan, 1977-78, Oyo StateCommitteeon Education forCitizen-ship; Nigeria's Representative, Governing Board, CERDAS, 1979-80,1CSOPRU, UNESCO, 1982-84; Scientific Leader, National ResearchTeamontheStudy ofOrganisation and Performance ofResearchUnits, 1982-84;Editor,ResearchforDevelop-ment, 1982-84, National Advisory Committee on International Youth Year, 198386; ch. Alengongo Landlords Association; mm: National Youth Ad-visory Committee, 1986-88; NISER Represen-tative, Governing Council, Nigerian Educational Research Council;mm: GoverningBoard,Institute ofPublic Policy and Administration, Univereity ofCalabar, 1987-88, Governing Board, Ad-ministrative StaffCollege ofNigeria, Badagry, 1987-88, Editorial Board, Journal of Black Studies (Beverly Hills, Undon,New Delhi), Sage, Editorial Board, InternationalJour-naiofTntercultural Relations; editor, Nigerian Behavioural Sciences Journal, Nigerian Economic Society, Nigerian Anthropological and Sociological Society, African Studies Association, World Social Prospects Study Association, International Institute of Administrative Sciences, Com-monwealth Studies, International Progress Organisation, lb: Honorary Citizen ofUs Angeles, California, USA, 1972. publ: Pro-blems andProspects oftheNYSC in Nigeria. NISER/Academy Press, 1980;Social Science andSocialPolicy, NISERandBIO Educa-tional Publishers, 1981; The Challenge of Nigeria's Indigenisation, NISER/INTEC Publishers, Ibadan, 1982; Ethnic Rela-tions in Nigeria, ed.,Caxton Press, Ibadan, 1976; Nigeria: Problems of Development, ed., Sage Publica-tions, Beverly Hills California, 1978; P/a/wM'wgtwVft the People, ThePlaceof LocalGovernment inNigeria s Development Planning Process, ed.,NISER/Central Planning Office, Ugos,1980; Social Science andSocial Policy in Nigeria, ed., NISER/ BIO Educational Books, Ibadan, 1981; Issues in the Administration of Nigeria's Public Sector, co-ed., (University ofIfe Press, 1986; The Impact of the Military OnNigeria's Public Administration, co-ed., University oflfe Press, 1987. hob:table tennis, music, travelling, meeting people, off: Faculty of Administration,ObafemiAwolowoUniverei-ty, res: House 11,Road 11,Obafemi Awolowo, lle-lfe, Osun State.
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