JALO, Lt-General Gibson, Sanda (Late)

CHIEF OF DEFENCE STAFF (1980-1983). He was born in March 1, 1938 in the oldAdamawaprovince. For his education, he was atNuman Ekmentary School, between 1946 and 1950, the Yola Middk Schoolfrom 1951 to 1952 and Government Colkge Keffi. From the begnningjak wantedto beasoldierandtherefore enlistedinto theNigeriaArmy in 1959. He wasimmediatelysentto the Regular Officers CourseSpecial TrainingSchoolin Teshie Ghana, Injune of thefolkwingyearhe was sent to tbe Mons Officers Cadets School UK, in 1960 after which he was commissioned into the Nigerian Army in Oaober of the same year. In 1961 he waspostedto TransportCompanyArmy inApapa, Lagos as 2ndLieutenantand between 1960 and 1963 he workedas anAide-De-Camp in theArmy Headquarters. In 1964 he waspostedto Enugu as theAdjutantof the First Battallion of the Nigerian Army and Company Commander, from 1964 to 1965. He later assumed the Commandofthe Batallion, between 1966-67. Atthe out break of the warjak was in thefield to answer the call tofight in order to keep Nigeria one. He remained rightin tbefreldas the 2nd in command of the 2ndDivision, between 1967 to 1968. He was ako Divisional Commander, Asaba, ako in the thick of the warfrom 1968 to 1970. Afterthe war, he waspromotedCommanderof the SecondDivision which he served during the war. He was ako Commander of the Lagos Garrisonfrom 1971 to 1972. Thereafterhe became the Commandantof the Nigerian DefenceAcademyfrom 1973 to 1977 when he was namedtbe GeneralOfficerCommanding (GOC) 3rdDivision of tbeNigerianArmy. He wasin thatposition till1979when he was appointedDeputy Chief ofArmyStaff Hegotanotherfeatherto hismilitarycap when bewasappointedNigerian Chief ofArmyStaff Hewastheretill 1982when he movedto tbe apexof hismilitarycarrieras Chief of DefenceStaff from 1982-83. Heservedasamemberof the SupremeMilitary Councilandactedon severaloccasionsasMilitary Governor ofLagosState. He was Chairman, Walvis Nigeria Limited, Direaor, Imperial Finance and Securities Limited, Lagos, ChairmanMaxandBakeFkurMilkLimited, Warn, Ports Complex, SocietyBancaireNigeriaUmited LtGeneralGibson Sangajak, asoldieramongsoldiers andgentkpatriotof theNigerianNation, remainedtbe Nigerian Chief of Defence Stafffrom 1982-1983. He retiredfrom service in 1983. Among the decorations be received were FSS, CFR, GCON. The gentle man soldier died on January 10th, 2000.
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