SANNI, Prof. Stephen Bumidele

B.Sc. Ph.D; chartered chemist; univereity lecturer, b: December 10,1943; p: Igarra; ht: Igarra; Iga: Akoko Edo; so: Edo; m: Grace Ajike Saiki, 1971; nc. Five d;ed.St Mary' Catholic School, Igarra, Edo State, 1953-57; Annunciation Catholic College, Irrrua, Edo State, 1958-73; visiting ScientisL Chemical Crystallography Uboratory University ofOxford, January-September 1973; 1977; visiting Scientist under the auspices oftheCommonwealth Universities, Chelsea College, Undon, 1979-80; in vital academic scholar, Chemistry Department, Univereity of Antwerp, Belgium, July-October, 1983; visiting research scholar, under the auspices of the EEC, The Chemical Crystallography Uboratory, Univereity ofNijmegen, The Netherlands, 1985-86; visiting scholar, Univereity ofOviedo, Spain; en Chemistry/Physics teacher, Yejide Girls' Grammar School, Ibadan, 1%7-69; Ucturer, Chemistry Depart-menL College ofScience and Technology, (now Rivers State Univereity ofTechnology 1973-74; Chemistry Department The Polytechnic, Ibadan, 1974-75; Ucturer, Chemistry Department Univereity ofBenin, Benin City, 1974-83; snr. Lecturer, Univereity ofBenin, Benin City, 1983-9l;prof. Chemistry, Univereity ofBenin, Benin City since 1991; Chemistry Ucturer, Special Intensive Training Programme (SITP), Shell Petroleum Development Company, Warri, since 1999; mm: Board of Directors, Bendel Breweries Limited Benin City, 1976-79; mem. Governing Council, College ofEducation, Agbor, Delta State; 1991 -92; mem. Board of Directors, Stallion Mineral Development Company Limited, Benin City, JanuaryDecember 1993; ch. Board of Directors, Bendel Pharmaceuticals Limited, Benin City, 1984-87; mm: Chemical Society of Nigeria; Royal Societyof Chemistry, Undon, 1980; International Union ofCrystallography, ah: State Sclrolar,UnivereityofIl3aa^l%3;ComnK)nwealmAssociationofUniversities Fellowship and, Chelsea College, London, 1979-80; Research Scholar, European Economic Community Fellowship award, Univereity ofNijmegen, The Netherlands, 1985-86; publ. Chemistry: A Series of Questions and Answers, Ambik Press, Benin City; sc: Rotary Club ofBenin, Benin City, Director ofthe 4 Avenues ofServiceatvarious times between 1983 and 1993; presd. Rotary year, 1993/94; Group leader, Rotary Group Study Exchange (GSE) to California, USA, Rotary year, 1994/95; ch. Igarra Committeeof friends, 1990-95; hob: walking, listening to music, making friends; off:. Chemistry Department, University ofBenin, Benin City, Edo State; e-m: delesanni@yahoo. com; res: Azo Uniben SSQ Ugbowo Campus, Univereity ofBenin, Benin City, Edo State; tel: 052-600751; e-m: [email protected]; 84 Secretariat Road, Igarra,Akoko-Edo, Iga,Edo State.
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