SHAKA, Dr. Okiremuete, Femi

B.A,M.A, Ph.D; lecturer,artist,administrator, b: May 11,1957; p:Arhavwarien; Iga: Ughelli South; so: Delta;ed:University ofBenin, Benin City, 1981-84; Univereity oflbadan, 1988-89; Universityof Warwick, Coventry, England, 1991-94; cr:NYSC,Community Secondary School, Okeoyi-Oja, Kwara, 1984-85; TutorinTheatre arts/Coordinator, Certificate in Theatre, Dept. of Creative Arts, Univereity of Port Harcourt, !986-88;Asst Ucturer, DeptofTheatre Arts, UnivereityofAbuja, 1990-91; Projects Supervisor,UniversityofPortHarcourt, since 1995;Ucturer Iin Film/TVandDrama,1995-98;SeniorUcturer, Film/TV and Drama,since 1999; Dean,StudentsAffairs,University ofPortHarcourt, 2006-08;mm: President, Nigerian Society, Univereity ofWarwick, Coventry, England, 199192;DepartmentalCommittee forthe Revision& IntroductionofNewCourses atboth Undergraduate andPostgraduateUvels, 1997; Masterof Ceremony ConvocationCeremony,UniversityofPortHarcourt, 1998;ch., Lecturer of theYearCommittee, Faculty ofHumanities, University of Port Harcourt, 1998; ch., Harvest Committee, Chapel of the Annunciation, Catholic Chaplaincy, University of PortHarcourt, 2003; ah: Best Overall Student, Dept.of Theatre Arts,University of Benin, 1982/83;Best Overall Student, Dept. of Creative Arts,University of Benin, 1983/84; Best Graduating B.A Student, Dept. of Theatre Arts,University of Benin, Benin City,1984; Best Graduating M.A StudenL Dept. ofTheatre Arts, Univereityoflbadan, 1988/ 89; Commonwealth Scholarship, Joint School of Film and Literature, University ofWarwick, England, 1991 -94;Visiting Senior African Fulbright Scholar, Africana Studies Program,New York University, NewYork 10003, USA; publ: Monday Morn' Song", "Joy", "Throbs from theSinging Dawn", in Voices, From The Fringe: AnANAAnthologyof New Nigerian Poetry, (ed.) Harry Garuba, Ugos: Malthouse Press Ltd., 1988; History, Genres and Nigeria's Emergent Video Film Industry, Black Renaissance/Renaissance Noire Vol.5(2), USA, 51-64, 2003; Modernity andthe African Cinema, Uwrence Ville, NJ,Africa World Press,.USA, 2004; Barclays Ayakoroma's Dance onhis Grave. A Book Review, Abalabala: Journal ofthe Bayelsa Council for Artsand Culture, No.2, Nigeria, 167-171, 2004; Ethics and Professionalism inthe Mass Media: An Essay in Media Ethics, Journal of Creative Arts, Vol.5, No.2, Nigeria, I-14,2005; TheColonial Legacy: History and itsImpactonthe Developmentof Modern Culture inNigeria, Third Text, Vol. 19, Issue 3,UK(May)297-305,2005; playsdirected: No More Oil Boom: A PlaybyTunde Fatude, (co-directed), Premiere Production, April9/ 10,1984;The Bear. 'A PlaybyAnton Chekhov, Universityof Abuja, May24/ March 25,1991; Childe Internationale: A PlaybyWole Soyinka, Univereity of Abuja,May24/March 25,1991;conferences:AnnualConferenceofthe African Studies Association: Africa and theAfrican Diaspora: Past, Present, Future, Houston, Texas, November 15/18,2001; etc.; Modernity and the AfricanCinema: ACritical StudyofSelected FilmsofOusmaneSembeneand SoulaymaneCisse;atdie 28thAnnual Conference oftheAfrican Literature Association, (ALA), Tagged: African Diasporas: Ancestors, Migrations and Boundaries, Univereity of California, San Diego, April 3/7,2002; Birthmarks: Urhobo Verbal Artsand Ojaide's Poetry,The Ojaide International Conference, Delta State University, Abraka, Delta, July7/10,2005; sc:VicePresident Senior StaffClub, University of Port Harcourt, 1997-99; hob: travel and tourism, photography, movies, stock market watch; off: Department ofTheatre Arts, Univereity of Port Harcourt, P.M.B 5323, Port Harcourt, Rivers State; tel: 234-8054563387; e-m: [email protected].
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