SOYOMBO, Prof. Omololu

B.Sc, M.Sc, Ph.D, sociologist, lecturer, consultant; b:September6,1956; p:Abeokuta;so:Ogun;married; nc:two s; one d; ed: Owu Baptist Day School, Abeokuta, 1962-67; Baptist Boys' HighSchool, Abeokuta, 1968-72;/Abeokuta Grammar School, Abeokuta, 1973-74;UniversityofLagos, 1974-77; 1979-80,Univereity ofEssex, England, 1988-91; en Teacher,NYSC Scheme, 1977-78;Cultural Officer, Federal Department ofCulture,Ugos, 1978-81;Ucturer,Dept ofSociology,University of Ugos, since 1981;Prof/ofSociology, UniversityofUgos, since2005; Sub-Dean, Faculty ofSocial Sciences, 1992-94;Acting Head, Dept. of Sociology, 1994-%;1997-98; Head,Dept ofBehavioral Studies,Collegeof Management Science,Redeemer'sUniversity, Mowe,OgunState,2007-08; dep.din,AcademicPlanning,UniversityofUgos,2002-05;cb.,Departmental Consultancy Committee,1992-94; dep. md., UnilagConsult 2006;md., Unilag Consult, since 2008; Consultant Sociologist, (Stowe Consult) ; Willingness to Payin Ogun State(Ogun StateGovt/Ogun StateWater Corporation), Sponsored by the World Bank, 2002; Consultant: Family HealthInternetCord,Nigeria/PoliceAIDS ControlCommittee on Baseline/ Formative Research with Nigeria Policein Ugos State, 2002;German Technical Cooperation(GT2)onResearchonGender-BasedViolence/Harmful Traditional Practices inNigerState,2002-03;Survey on Perception ofthe Insurance IndustryinNigeria,forBusinessEducationExaminationsCouncil, Lagos, 2005; (Lagos State) Formative Research on Equitable Learning Environment,ChildSurvivalandReproductiveHealth inNigeria, Sponsored byCompass/JohnsHopkinsUniversity,2005; ResettlementAction Planfor Iyana Ipaja BusFranchise SchemeinUgos, forUgos Metropolitan Area Transport Authority(LAMATA)/World Bank;Principal Consultant,Ugos Metropolitan Developmentand Governance ProjectLagos State Urban Upgrading ProjectConfirmationSurveyCommissioned byLagos Metropolitan Development and Governance Project/World Bank, 2006; Consultant Sociologist Environmental & SocialImpactAssessment in Respectofthe Fuel Ethanol Project inGombeState,undertheauspicesofEnvironquest, for theNNPC,2007;ResearchTeamLeader,CommunitySafetyv&Community Policing in Lagos State, Supported by the Security, Justice & Growth Programme,2008; Commissioned Author/Lecturer,National Youth Service Corps,OriiationCourse, 1984-88; Elected Member,University of Lagos Senate,1994-%; r»m: Faculty Forum Committee, University of Lagos, 1981-82;Examination Officer, Dept. ofSociology, 1982-85; 1986-87; DepartmentalPostgraduateCommittee, since 1991;Coordinator, 1999-06; UnivereityTime TableandExaminationsCommittee, 1992-94;Think-Tank CommitteeonStudentsAffairs;Unilag CenterforEducationalTechnology Management Board, 1994-98; ch.,FacultyAdmissionCommittee, 1996-97; Management Committee,Work Study Programme, 1998-99;Univereity of UgosCentral StrategicPlanningCommittee,2001-04;Univereity ofUgos Development&DocumentationCommittee,2004;cb.,FacultyExamination Committee, 1992-94; Faculty Admission Committee, 1992-94; Faculty Prospectus Committee,!994-99;WorkingGroup,National Committeeon CrimePrevention andTreatmentofOffenders,1985; 1989; e-e:OgunState Univereity, Ago Iwoye,1996-2002;Universityoflbadan,2002-03;2004-05; 2007-08; 2008-09;ObafemiAwolowoUnivereity, 2004;2007-08; Univereity ofllorin, 2006; Lagos State Univereity, 2006-07; 2008; Bowen Univereity, Iwo,2007-08; hon/awards:Federal Govt.ofNigeriaScholarship, 1979-80; UnivereityofLagosBursaryAward,1980-81;CommonwealthAcademicStaff Scholarship, 1988-91; Fuller BequestResearch Grant, Deptdf Sociology, University of Essex, I989ypubl: Youth Culture, inMan and Society, National Open University ofNigeria, Module 3 Unit 15,1984; Some Issues in the Conceptualization and TheoryofUrban Poverty in Nigeria, inThe Urban Poor in Nigeria,EvansBrothers(Nig. Publishers) Ltd., 1987; Victims of Crime in Nigeria, in Social Problems and Social Policy in Nigeria,Osko Associates, 1992; Trade Union Hierarchy, Decision-Making and Workers' Interests in Nigeria, inTheQuestforDemocratization: MilitaryGovernance andTrade Unionism, Friedrich EbertFoundation, 1986; Writing a Research Report, Readings in Social Research Methods and Applications, Caltop Publications(Nig.)Ltd.,Ibadan, 19%; DoingResearch in SocialScience, in Sociologyfor Beginners, JohnWest Publications Ltd.,Ugos, 1999;2001; . Anomie or Exuberance? Recent Trends in Anti-Social Behaviour among Nigerian Youth, in The Youth, Democracy & National Development in Nigeria, 2001; Literature Searchand Reviewin SocialSciences, in Uwand Research Methodology, Nigeria Institute ofAdvanced UgalStudies, Ugos, 2001; Religion & Cultural Issues, in Perspectives on Nigeria's Fledging Fourth Republic, Malthouse Press Ltd., 2002; Tradition & Change: An Analysis ofthe Incidence & Trend ofFacialTribal Marking in NigerState, in The Scourge ofChildLabourin Nigeria, ,A Bookof Readings,Nigerian Sociological Society Publications, Ugos, 2004; Community Policing & National Integration in Nigeria. Contemporary Issues on Boundaries and Governance in Nigeria,Center forAfrican RegionalIntegratiori & Border Studies, Univereity ofUgos, 2005; Leadership & theCrisisof Legitimacy in Nigeria,'in Society& Governance:The QuestforUgitimacyinNigeria, Dept of Sociology, University ofUgos& Friedrich Ebert Shiftung, 2006; Xenophobia in Contemporary Society: A Sociological Analysis, Xenophobia: A Contemporary Issue in Psychology, Integrity Press Ltd.,Lagos,2008; The Trivialization ofCorruption in Nigeria, Ilorin Journal of Sociology, 2006; The Needfor Community Participation in Crime Control in Nigeria, in Nigeria Sociological Review, 2003; The Role ofthe Father in Child Upbringing, Journal of Early Childhood AssociateofNigeria, 1998; Rural Sector&Sustainable Developmentin Nigeria, Unilag Sociological Review, 2000; and many other publication, including papers presented atConferences/ Workshops; off: Dept. ofSociology, Univereity ofUgos, Akoka,Yaba, Ugos; tel:08033117430; e-m: [email protected].
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