SUSU, Prof. (Mrs.) Benedicta Ada (nee Nw’ao)

B.A, M.A, J.D, prof, of law; b: June 28, 1944; p: Onicha-Ugbo; Iga: Aniocha; so: Delta; m: Prof. A. A. Susu, January 3, 1969; nc: one s, two d; ed: Marymount Secondary School, Agbor, Delta, 1960; St Teresa's College, Ibadan, Oyo State, 1962; Mills College, Oakland, California, U.S.A, 1966; Bryn Mawr College, Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania, USA, 1967; University of Notre Dame Law School, South Bend, Indiana, USA, 1973; Nigerian Uw School, Victoria Island, Ugos, 1982; cr: Editor/ Writer for Educational Research Institute Clearing House, Stanford University, Stanford, California, 1967-68; Bibliography Editor, African Division of the Hoover Institute for Research, Stanford University, 1968-69; Editor, Advertising Department, Stacey's Division of Bro- Dart Inc 1969-70; Temporary Ugal asst Office of the Chief Ugal Counsel, EMMC Ins. Co. (a Division of Associate Corp., North America), 1972; Ugal Aid Work with South Bend Ugal Aid Defender's Office, 1973; Editorial Consultant with UJAMMA Consultants, Limited, 1974-75; Editor and Head, Unguage Division of the Nigerian Research Centre, 1975; Ucturer II-COSIT, University of Ugos, 1975- 77; Lecturer 1-COSIT, Unilag, 1977-84; ag. Head, APD, 1980-82; snr. Lecturer (Law) - COSIT, and Head, APD (Academic Division); 1984-89; snr. Lecturer Faculty of Law, Lagos State University, 1989-97; ag. Head Department of Private and Property Uw, from1990/91 Session; aprof., ag. Head, Department of Private and Property Uw, Faculty of Law, 1997-2001; ag. Dean, Faculty of Uw, 2002-04; ch: Draft Constitutional Review Committee set up by Attorney General and Minister of Justice, Chief M.A. Agbamuche (SAN), 1997; Committee on Implementation of Restructuring Programme and Introducing New Course in Collaborating Faculties (COSITBoard of Studies), 1985-87; Committeeon Regulations (COSIT Board of Studies), University of Ugos, 1988-89; Panel to investigate the charge of stealing science equipment against two students, 1990; panel to investigate allegation of staff collusion in a student impersonation charge, 1990; Panel to investigate possible fraudulent conduct in the transcript section, Academic Office, 1991-92; mm: Faculty A & P, Lagos State University; Faculty Committee on Families; Deans and Provost, 2002-2004; Senate Lagos State University; Institute's Representative, Postgraduate School Board, University of Lagos, 1985-86; 1988-89 and Central Research Committee, University of Lagos, 1987-89; Faculty of Law, Representative; Central Research Committee, Board of Postgraduate School and Library Board, LASU; ah: ASPAU Scholar under the sponsorship of the A.A.I, 1963-66; fh: Certificate of Participation in an all seminal, workshop on "The Role of Education in the Economic Development of Africa", State University of New York, Buffalo, 1966; "The Marjorie Fisher Winston" prize for excellence in writing (Mills College); "The Marguerite Farley Scholarship, M.A. programme, Bryn Mawr College, 1966-67; publ: Law of Torts, CJC Press, Ugos, 1996; Constitutional Litigation, CJC Press, Ugos, 1999; in addition to many seminar, workshop, and research papers and 21 articles in reputable journals with four completed research, "Separation of Powers: The Executive and General Assembly Conflict", "Non Statutory Termination of Procedure and The Issue of Due Process", "The Courts and Private Constitutions" and "Election Tribunals; Politic or Law?"; sc: Ikoyi Club; hob: reading, dart playing; off: Public Law Department, Faculty of Law, Lagos State University, Ojo. res: Tinubu Close, University of Ugos, Akoka, Yaba, Lagos.
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