TALABI, Dr. Sam Olanrewaju

B.Sc, M.Sc, Ph.D., agro fisheries research and development scientist; b: April 9, 1946, p: Ilorin, so: Kwara; m: Florence Adefoluke Adelugba, 1983; nc: one s, three d; ed: St. Marks* School, Offa, 1951-58; Offa Grammar School, Offa, 1959- 63; Christ's School, Ado Ekiti, 1964-65; University oflbadan, 1966- 69; University of Aberdeen, 1970-72; University of Ife (now Obafemi Awolowo University), 1980-82; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, USA, 1982. cr: Visiting Research Worker, Tony Research Station, Aberdeen, Scotland, 1970-72; Head of Technology Research Branch, Federal Department of Fisheries, Lagos, 1972-75; Consultant Lecturer; workshop on Fish Utilization in Africa, Lusaka,Zambia, 1975; Consultant, planning team of CIDA/FAO/CECAF Regional Training Course in Fish Quality Control, Senegal, 1977; Head of Division, Technology Research Division, NIOMR, Lagos, 1975-78; Adviser, FAO Experimental Activities Research on Low Temperature Storage of fish in West Africa, 1977-79; Part time Lecturer in Fisheries, Science and Technology, University of lbadan; UNO/FAO Andre Mayer Research Fellow, Torry Research Station, Aberdeen, Scotland, 1978-80; Head of Technology Research Division, Nigerian Institute for Oceanography and Marine Research, Lagos, 1981-84; Chief Consultant, FISESCONIOMR tuna resources survey, 1982-84; Editor-in-Chief, publications of Nigerian Institute for Oceanography and Marine Research, 1980-85; Consultant Lecturer, M. Tech. Programme, ARAC/River State University of Science and Technology, 1982-85; Consultant Director, NTA Food Basket, TV Programme on Nigerian Agriculture, 1984-95; Coordinator, Private Sector, INFOPECHE, 1986-88; Group Coordinator,ILO Sectoral Audits, Project No. NIR/87/023, 1990; Consultant, Canadian International Development Research Centre on Strategies for research in Sub-Saharan Africa, 1989-93; Technical Assistance Partner to NTA on the production of EEC sponsored television films, Food Basket, 1984-95; ch/Consultant dir. Talon Nigeria Ltd 1985;ch. Talon Research and DevelopmentFarms; Coordinating dir. World Bank ADP Vegetable Export Development Project; Programme Director, FISESCO-TALON JOINT VENTURE on the Federal Government of Nigeria's programme on Inland Fisheries Development of lakes, rivers and lagoon fisheries in Nigeria; Coordinating Director, UNDP Project on capacity strengthening for Trainers and Fisherfolks, Lagos, Ogun States, 1995; ch: Committee on Environmental Impact Assessment, Agricultural and Agro Industries, Federal Environmental Protection Agency, since 1995; Consultant Director, World Bank Environmental Action Plans for Abuja, Plateau, Nassarawa, Niger and Kaduna States; mm: Food, Beverages and Drinks Committee, Nigerian Standards Organisation, 1973-76; National Food and DrugAdvisory Council, Nigeria, 1984-89; Progress Review Mission, GTZ Kainji Lake Fisheries Project, 1996; Fisheries Technical Sub- Committee, World Bank Agric Research Project, 1993-97; presd. * Fisheries Society of Nigeria, 1992-98; mm: National Advisory Committee on the United Nations Committee on Environmental and Development; Presidential Task Force on Livestock Feeds; Task Force on the Environmental Policy for Nigeria; Task Force on Raw Materials Sourcing in Nigeria, Food Beverages and Tobacco; Agricultural Society of Nigeria; Institute of Food, Science and Technology; Nutrition Society of Nigeria; past presd. Fisheries Society of Nigeria; mm. Planetary Society USA; ch. Biosphere, Environmental Link; f: Institute of Food Science and Technology, 1993; Environmental Link, 1994; Fisheries Society of Nigeria; v-presd. Nigerian-Danish Chamber of Commerce, 1996; mm. Decision Analyses Group, Cambridge, USA, 1982. awards: Western State Open Scholarship Award, 1966-69; 1969-72; DANIDA/ FAO Fellowship in Storage Technology, 1975. cw: Two patents and over eighty documentary films on Nigerian Agriculture, publ: The Process biophysics and biochemistry offish dehydration, Symposuim on protein foods, John West Publications e.d. O.L. Oke pp.197-2041972; 77ie possible use of Chitin and Chitosans as animal feed, Proc of International Conference on Chitin and clutosan pp.327-332, USA, 1975; Frozen Fish marketing in Nigeria, Proc of the Conference on the handling, processing and marketing of tropical fish pp.205-213; Improving fish utilization through medium scale integratedfishery industries. Proc of NIFST Vol.1, pp.108-116; Certain problems offish processing in Nigeria, Proc Ist Africa Nutrition Congress, ed A.O. Omololu et al pp 51-54; Fish Smoking Technology FAO/FII: TFTE 78/ 12 14 pages; co-author, Micro organisms ofhealth significance infish and fishery products, (paper presented at the NIFST Symposium on problems of food poisoningand infection in Nigeria at the University of Ife, He Ife, 7th April, 1979; co-author, Utilization of big-eye fish, Brachydeuterus auritus meal andfish protein concentrate production: A preliminary evaluation. Advances in fish science and technology pp.335-338, 1980; Talabi, S.O. 1980; co-authorA smoke-drying kiln for foods, Nigerian Patent No.RP 4050, 1981; Some Chemical and Organoleptic assessment studies on the storage characteristics of the West African Long Croaker Pseudotolithus typus, FoodChemistry 7 pp. 169-174; Talabi S.O. 1982, Lipid Stability of developed Analogs of Trachurus trachurus. University of Ife,amongseveral others, sc: Apapa Club, hob: farming, reading, watching documentary films on nature, lawn tennis, gardening, off: Talon Nigeria Limited, 12/14 Aerodrome Road, P.M.B. 1303, Apapa, Lagos, Nigeria, tel: 01-5875952. res: 6th Avenue, Plot 979, Road 641, Festac Extension, Lagos, tel: 01-7745300.
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