TIJANI, Mallam Hashim

(MHA) GALADIMAN KANO, PARLIAMENTARY SECRETARY. Mallam Tijani Hashim was bom in his home town Kano in 1932. He wasin Bebe/i Ekmentary Schoolfrom 1944-1948 and Kano Middk School 1948-1952. (1) Afterformal Schooling like most of hispeers that time, He workedwiththe Veterinary DepartmentKano from 1952-1961 where he held various position whik serving. Duetohis dedication to work and the traditional institution (2) to which he beknged and kvefor all the calibreof peopk when he decided to contest ekction under the platform of theNPC other contestant withdrew torn show their respect. Alhaji Tijani Hashim won the ekction into the Nothem House of Assembly un opposed on the 29th of 0aober 1956. It was from here that he was appointedPariimentary Secretary He was turbanned the Turakin Kano inJanuary 197'o. Heis currently the Galadiman Kano anda kadir.g Councillor in the Emir's Council.
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