TOMORI, Prof. Sunday Hezekiah

born April 29, 1928 in Abeokuta, Ogun State;Schools atten ded: St. Paul's School, Igbore, Abeo kuta; Abeokuta Grammar School, Abeokuta; University of Ibadan, Ibadan, University of London Insti tute of Education: Qualifications: B. A. (Hons.) Dip. (Education); M. A. (London); Ph. D. (London); Past Career: Teacher, Abeokuta Grammar School, 1948-62; Parttime tutor of English, 1957-60; Part-time lecturer, 1964-67; Senior lecturer, 1967-69 and 1969-71; Acting Head, of Adult Education De partment, 1970-71; Professor, 1971; Head of Adult Education: 1971; Pro fessor, 1971, Visiting Professor of English, University of Ife, 1978; Clubs and other Associations: Member Civil Defence Committee, 1967-70; Senate member as a Professor, mem ber, University Bookshop Manage ment Board, 1981; Member, Edito rial Committee Occasional Publica tions, Institute of Education 1981; Membership of Learned Societies Life Member, English Studies Asso ciation, International Honours: Inter national Who's Who in Education Cambridge, U.K. 1981; Who's Who in the World, Chicago, USA., 1980- 81; Consultant to the Journal World Language English, 1981;Publications: Several books articles research in learned Journals —including The Teaching of Composition Writing 1971; The role of language in Educa tion 1973; other major Research and teaching interests include: Morpho logy and Syntax of English, Stylistics, Semantics, Lexicology, Literature/ Langugae teaching Methodology. Hobbies Photography (own dark room including colour processing), Car repairs (Full workshop, equip ment and practice) Swimming; Cur rently, Leis Professor of- English as a Foreign Language at the Univer sity ofIbadan, Nigeria
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