UCHE, Bennie

State of Origin: Enugu Local Government Area: Udi Ms. Bennie Uche isa gifled and professional artist and show woman. Her Show a.k.a The Bennie Uche Show was launched onOctober 7* 1994 asa Human Interest Television Talk Show whose aim is to educate, entertain and inform viewers on issues thai impact on their lives positively. Over the years over ten years now. the show has been asource ofsuccour and motivation to the people who are overwhelmed by the vicissitudes ofhuman life. Il has also helped those who arcdown cast to rediscover the genius and achievers in themselves. It has also served asa forum where role models are invited to encourage people on how to get on in life. Education • Advanced Executive Diploma. Federal University of Technology Akure (FUTA) • Advanced Executive Diploma in Business Administration, Universily of Lagos Masters in Business Administration MBA ( FUTA). • Cert. In Mass Communication. Contributions to National Development • Bennie has used her show to speak hope lo the hopeless Restored life to those in depression as a resultofthe depressed economy Rescued the society from mediocrity. • Challenged abuse of human rights Challenged and openly confronted corruption in Nigerian society. • Encouraged the values and benefits of co-existence Encouraged patriotism and nationalism in theyoung and the old. • Given a brighter vision ofthe country • The show is a celebration of Excellence. • Created awarenessof equal opportunity, justice and fairness • Empowered those down trodden, e.g. women and children. • flic show is in essence, principle,purpose and value driven. Ms Bennie Uche is a celebrity who is down to earth. In spite oflame and glamour, she is still a patriotic citizen who wants best for her people. Awards and Honours • Best Presenter on Telev ision show Award Belongs to the Federation of African Public Relations Association (FAPRA) Bennie is a role model for young people who would like to make career in mass communication, public relations, advertising, news casting, drama, presentation, teaching, international relations, public relations, etc. She is a lady ofquintessence who carries herself with honour and dignity.
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