UDO, Prof. Reuben K. MON

University Teacher. Professor of Geography, Uni versity of Ibadan ; LGA: Ikot Ekpene; Born: Aug. 8, 1935; Married to Mrs Dora Udo (nee Ekong); Chil,h'cn: Akanil11 o, Usen, Nene, Enobong; Education: Meth odist College, Uzuako li, 1950-54; Nigcrian Collegeof Arts, Science and Techno logy, En ugu, 1955-57, GCE A'Levels (Lond on); Un iv. of Ibadan, 1957-62, B.Sc.(Specia l) Geography; Uni v. Coll ege, London, 1962-63, Ph.D. Geography; Carcer and Work History: Post Doctoral Research Fe llow, Uni v. of Ibadan, 1963-64; Lecturer in Geography, 1964-68; Senior Lecturer, 1968-7 1; Reader in Geography, 1971-72; Professor of Geography, Uni v. of lbadan, 1972-present; COI11I11 iss ioner in Cha rge of Census Mapping, Nationa l Popul ation Commission, Lagos, 1988-93 ; Career Rclated Activities and Responsibilities : Resea rchin g on SAP and the Food Situation in N igeria; Prin c iples of Human Geography; Population Census of Nigeria : 1991 ; International M igrations in West Africa; V isiting Prof., Phelp-Stokes Fund African Lectu re Series (Ten Black Colleges in Southern States of the U.S.A), 1972; Guest Prof. Univ. of Southern States o fU .S.A, 1972; Gucst Prof., Uni v. of Heid e lberg, Germany, 1987-88; Visiti ng Resea rch Fellow, In stitute of Developme nt Econom ics, Tokyo, Japan, 1980; V isiting Distingu ished Profe ss ional, Univ. of Iowa, U.S.A, 1994; Asst. Warden, Kuti Hall, Uni v. of Ibadan, 1964-74; Senate Mem .. I 965-present; Mcm .. Appointments and Promotions Comm iltee, 1973-87; Mem., Publications Committee, 1973-77; Dean, Faculty of Social Scicnces, 1974-77; Head. Dept. of Geography, 1975-78 ; I-Iall Mastcr, Su ltan Bello Hall, 1976-77; Deputy Vice Chancellor, Un iv. of Ibadan, 1985-87; Special Work Related Achievcments: Commiss ioner, N ational Popula tion Commiss ion, Lagos, 1988-93; Publications : Books:_Geographical Regions of Nigeria. 1970: Migrallt Tellallt Farlllers of Nigeria 1975: The !-IlIIlIall Geography of Tropical Africa 198 1; Lalld V,e Policy alld lalld Ownership III Nigeria. 1990: IlIIplelllelltat ioll of the Lalld VI'e Decree, Lessolls from the Japanese Experiellce. 1980: Food Prodllclioll aJJd Agricultural DevelopmeJlt Strategies III Nigeria. 1982; Edited, Nigeria: Giclllt ill the 81111. 1993 ; Publ ished ovcr forty artic les and monographs including Consultancy Ass ignments/Reports Civic Activities: Mem., Governing Council, Nigerian In stitute ForOil Palm Resea rch, Benin City. 1989-93; Mem., Land Use Pane l, Lagos, 1977; Mem., National Census Board, Lagos. 1972-75 ; Mem., Governing Council , Nigerian In st itute of Social and Economic Research, 1981-83; Chairman, CRS Agricu ltural Developl11ent Corporation, Calabar, 1969-72.; Honours and Awards: Mem., Order of th e Niger (MON), 1983; Nominated Fellow, American Geographi cal Socicty, 197 1; Travell ing Fcllowship by the Asscn of Commonwealth Uni versities., 1986; Elccted f e llow, N igerian Geographica l Asscn., 1978; Pl'Ofcssional Membersh ip; Mcm., International Institutc for the Scienti fic Study of Popul ation; Fellow, Nigerian Geograph ical Asscn.; Fell o w~ American Geographica l Society; Religiolls Affiliation : Method ist; Hobbies: Table Tennis, Gardening; Office: Department of Geography, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Home: 2 Ituen Street, ' kot Ekpene, Akwa I bom State.
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