USEN, , Col. Otu E.

A rmy Offi cer. Colone l: LGA: Nsit Ubium: Born: Fcb. 26. 19 5 1: Pa: Chief Esuafaila Uscnd iah and Madam Nko E. Usend iah: Education: Sal va ti on Army Sec. Sch. Aka i, 1963-68, WASC; Method ist Boys High Scll. , Oro n, 1969-70, HSC; Nigerian Defence Academy, Kad una, 1973-75: Cert . o f the Uni v. of Ibadan; Bayero Uni v. Kano, 1977-80, B.Sc. Business Adm in istration; Other Qnalilications: Post Grad uate Dipl. in Mate ria l Management from Aberdeen Prov ing Ground. Maryland, U.S.A, 1985-86; Pass SfaffColiege wit il d istincti on (Psc(+)), Jaj i, 1988; Forces Service Star (Fss), 1988; Meritori ous Service Star (Mss), 1966: Company Commanders Course, .I aji, 198 1; Arm) Junior StaffCoursc, Command and StaffCo).kgc, Jaj i. 1983-84; Army Seni or Di vis ion Staff Course. (CSCIO) Jaji, 1987-88; Career and Work His tory: Company Command er, 93 Infa ntry Battalio n, 1976- 77; Staff Captai n A, 3 Mech. Bde, Kano, 1980-8 1: Adjutant 4 BOD, Lagos, 198 1; Company Commandol and Logist ics Officer, Un ited Nati ons Interim Fo rce, in Lebanon, 198 1-82; Adjutant, Ordnance Training Centre and Scll., 1983-86; Company Commander, 83 Mechanised Infa ntry Bn, 1986-87; GS02 Trainin g/ Operations Hq . 2 Mech. Di v. Ibadan, 1988-90; Di rect ing Staff (Lecture r), Command and Staff College, .Iaj i, 1990-92; Staff Offi cer, g rade o ne in charge of Adm inistration, N DA, Kaduna, 1992-94 . Command ing Offi cer, 35 Meeh. (Demo) Bn. Jaji. 1994-95; Staff O ffi cer Grade I Logisties/ Admini strat ion, HQ 82 Div., Enug u, 1995-96; Acting Brigade Commander, 2 Amphibious Bri gade, Port Harcou rt, I 996-present; Specia l Work Related Achievements: Served in Lebanon with the United Nati ons Inte rim Force, 198 1-82; (won Gall antry A warei and Com I' I iments of the Ch ief of Arm y Staff): Battalion Commander,. 35 Battalion Jaj i; Direct ing Sta ff (Lecturer), Command and Staff Colle A Jaji. 1990-9 I : Acti ng Brigade Commander, Port darcourt: Publications: Fourteen academic contributions and presentations, over twenty un publi shed poems; C ivic Activities: Patro n, Barracks Eleven Football C lub. Ellugu, 1995-prescnt; Pat ron, Qua I boe Church Choir. Akai. 1990-present; Honours: Professionali sm b\ Akwa Ibom Jo urna li sts Forum , Kaduna, 1994: Development by Kiwanis In tern ati ona l, Uyo, 1995; United Nati onal In terim Forces in Lebanon, Medal, 1982; Professional Mem be rs hips: Associate Melll . Nigerian Institute of Management; Religions Aniliation: Qua Iboe; Hobbies: Footba ll. Music, Danci ng. Table Tenni s: O nic~: HQ 82 Division. Nigc rinll Arm y, Ellu gu, Enugu State; Home: Ak ;11 Ubium. P.O. Box 10. Ikot Ubo, Nsi t Ubium. Ab, Married to Mrs Essien O. Akwa Ibom State. Usendiah: C hildren: In i( 16). d uak ( 12), Emeh( II), Sandra(7), Afa ha(2);
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