USMAN, Mallam Ahmed Angulu MP

MINISTER OF STATE, POLICEAFFAIRS Malam Usman Ahmed Angulu was bom in Koton Karfi in 1928. He started his education in his birthplace - Koton Karfi in the NA School in the town. He was agood exampkofpeopk who are not daunted by any impediments in thepursuit of the golden fleece for when the opportunity forformal education seemed lost he enrolkdforpraise and overseas correspondence course in 1945. Having successfully compkted this, he went for the ckrical and kcalgovernment training course atthe Instituteof Administration, Zaria in 1957. For his efforts he won a British Council scholarship to the United Kingdom in 1959. Whik in the UK Malam Usman Ahmed Angulu arted as spokesman for sixteen Northerners studying local governments of the U.K under the auspices of the British Council and was presented to Her Majesty Queen ElizabethIIat Winchester duringthe opening of CityHallin 1959. Itisnotsurprising thathe did'thaiformostpartofhisearly'adultlife, he was both an Instrurtor in the Adult Literacy class calkd Yaki dajahiki andapolitician. He had also been a Court Ckrk between 1940 and 1953, NA Chief Ckrk and Clerk to Koton Karfi Council between 1953 and 1957. He servedas Councillor for Works in the Kwara NA. Lokojafrom 1957 to 1960 Vice Presidentof the rulingNPCfor Kabba province in 1957 and President of the party in Kwara Division in 1957. Meanwhik asa mark of his political strength he had won an ekction into the Federal House of Representativesfor the 1954 -59 session. He was re-ekaedin 1959. It was based on his political success that he was named Parliamentary Secretary, Federal Ministry of Commerce and Industry and laterMinisterof State, Police Affairs. Malam Usman Ahmed Angulu could be said to be a masterof all trades but masterofall -for whik he was doing excelkntwork in administration andpolitics, hefound timefor some recreation. His successin sports administration earned him the Presidency of theNorthern Sports Association Lokoja Branch. Hediedin Oaober, 1966.
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