USMANA, Bitrus Hudson

B.Sc, MBA, CNA, FICEN; accountant, civil servant, administrator;b: July 29,1960; p: Dakza; ht: Hong; Iga: Hong;so: Adamawa: m: Hannatu, December 26, 1988; nc: two s, two d; ed: Local EducationAuthority, Zhedinyi, 1968-70; C.M.B PrimarySchool, Murbi, 1971-1974; Federal Government College, Warri, 1974-79; University of Maiduguri, 1980-34;Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto, 1993-94;cr: NYSC, Bursary Dept Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto, 1984-85; Accountant II,Usmanu Danfodiyo University Teaching Hospital, 1986-87; Accountant1,1987-9.; SeniorAccountant in-ChargeofFinal Accounts Unit 1991-93;Principal Accountant, 1993-96; ChiefAccountant, University of Maiduguri, 1996-98;ChiefAccountant in Charge, FinalAccounts, Budget and LoansUnits, 1998-02;Deputy Bursarin-ChargeFinal Accounts, Loans, Cashbook/Reconciliation, Faculty Accounts and Budget Units, 2002-06; Bursar,University ofMaiduguri, since 2002; mm: Sec, Committee on the Determination ofHospital Charges.UsmanuDanfodiyoUniversityTeaching Hospital, 1986;Committee for InvestigationofFraud in the Purchasing Unit 1988;Committee for the Review ofAccounting Operation Manual, 1989; StocktakingCommitteeHospital, Drugstore, 1993;Monitoring Committee forthe ComputerizationofFinanceandAccounts Dept, 1993;Committeeon Investigation ofFraud inthe Issuance ofCarbonized Receipts, 1993;Taskforce fortheAdministration ofFederal Neuropsychiatry Hospital, Kwara, Sokoto States, 1995;Administrative StaffLoans Disbursement Committee; Committee on ExcessWork LoadAllowance forAcademic Staff, 1999;InterviewPanel for Technical and Non-technical Staff; Convocation Sub-committee, 1997; Committee for Monitoring the Implementation of Minor Projects and AcquisitionofItems,1997; Committeeon Investigation ofDeederPillar and Control Switch, 1998; Committee on Industrial Dispute, University of Maiduguri,2000;TaskforceCommittee on WaterSupply on Campus,2001; Central Strategic Planning Committee,UniversityofMaiduguri,2002;Bomo State GovernmentCommission Pay Parades, Health Management Board, 2004; School of Pharmacy Endowment Fund;ch., BursaryDepartment's CommitteeonYearlyAward/End ofYearParty, 1999-06; ch., Preparation of Arrearsof20% AllowanceCommittee,2000;ch.,Bursary Dept. Sub-:ommittee ofthe Central Strategic PlanningCommittee; Trustee, Senior StaffAssociation ofNigerianUniversities, UniversityofMaiduguri, since2004;Patron, Gongola State StudentsAssociation,Usmanu DanfodiyoUniversity,Sokoto, 1990- ' 94;StaffAdviser, HongLocalGovernment Students Association,University ofMaiduguri Students Chapter, 1998-2000; mm: Nigerian Institute of Management,1993;International Council Against Alcohol andAddictions, ICAA, 1993;Associationof Financial Management, 1997;Associationof Financial Management1997; Association ofNationalAccountsofNigeria, ANAN, 2000;Institute ofIndustrialists andCorporate Administrators, 2006; f: NigerianInstituteofCorporate Executives, 2005; InstituteofChartered if'Cs./3gement Accountants,2007;award: Certifies PublicAward,CPAbythe Instituteof Financial Management Ltd, 1997; Best Section Award, Bursary Dept,2?Q0; Distinguished ServiceMeritAwardforQuality Paper Presentation by the Institute of Corporate Executives of Nigeria, 2005; Regulation/ Appreciation forCheerful Support andAdvice,AdamawaStateStudents Union, UniversityofMaiduguri Chapter, 2004; Commendation Letter for Constructive Seminar, Maiduguri, 2003; Commendation by University of Maiduguri Council,2()07; bob: finearts, table/lawn tennis; off: Bursary Dept., University ofMaiduguri, P.M.B. 1069, Maiduguri; tel: 0802-727-4391; c-m: [email protected]; res: H28,Universiytof .daiduguriStaff Quarters; pha: do LOCN. Hong,Adamawa State.
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