USORO, Dr. (Mrs.) Chinyere A. O.

B.Sc, M.Sc, Ph.D; biochemist lecturer, administrator, so:Imo; m: Married; nc: four, ed: Federal GovernmentCollege, Owerri; UniversityofCalabar,Calabar, UniversityofIbadan, Ibadan; en Asst. Lecturer, University ofCalabar, 1995-96; Lecturer II, 1996-99;LecturerI, 1999-2002; Snr. Lecturer, 2002-06; Associate Prof/Reader,since 2006; Head, Dept of Chemical Pathology,2004-05; Co-ordinator, Chemical Pathology Unit Dept.ofMedicalLaboratorySciences,2005-07;Examination Officer, Dept.ofMedicalLaboratoryScience, 1997-99;mm: NigerianAssociationof Clinical Chemists; Nigerian Cancer Society,NewYork Academyof Sciences; Nigerian Society ofBiochemistry and Molecular Biology; h:UICC Fellowship Programme Award, 2006; publ: Co-author, Effect ofPyrimethamine on SerumAlkalinePhosphatase andSomeBonemineralCompositions ofYoung Rats, Discover and Innovation, 6(4): 421-426,1994; Testonteron Levels in Hypertensive NigerianMen, Turkish Journal ofBiochemistry, 30(4), 285i 289, 2009; Serum and UrineChromium andMagnesiumLevels in Type 2 DiabeticsinCalabar, Malaysian Journal ofNutrition, 11(2), 133-142,2006; DoesPregnancySerum Calcium andInorganicPhosphateLevels,ShirazEMedical Journal, 6(1&2), 2005; Lipid Profile ofMenopausal Women in Calabar, Nigeria, Pakistan Journal ofNutrition,5(1),79-82,2006;Glycermic Control andSerum andUrinenlevels ofZincandMagnesium in Type 2 in Calabar.Nigeria, Pakistan Journal ofNutrition, 5(1),75-78,2006;Effeect of Glycermic Control on Serum Retinoland Beta CaroteneLevels in Type 2 DiabeticsinCalabar, Nigeria,Malaysian Journal ofNutrition, 12(1),55-65, 2006; Influence ofAge, Genderand Duration ofDiabetes on Serum and UrineLevelsofZinc, Magnesium, Selenium, and Chromium in Type 2 Diabetics in Calabar, Turk Biyokimya Dergisi Turkish Journal of Biochemistry-truk J. Biochem,31(3):109-116,2006; Serum Urate, Urinary Sodium andPotassium inPre-elasmpticPregnant Women, NigeriaJournalof Physiological Sciences, 4,67 p.70,1998; GenderSpecific Differences inthe Cholesterol Profile ofNigeria Neonates andLater Chidhood, Mary Slessor Journal bfMedicine, 1(1), 1998; BiochemistryDerivedNumericalIndicators fortheClassificationofProteinEnergyMalnutrition, GlobalJournal ofPure andAppliedSciences, 5(2),201-205,1999;Serum Bilirubin as anIndicator forDegree ofParasitaemia inMalaria Children inCalabar, MarySlessor ofMedicine,2,50-53,2000; AReviewofRecentAdvancesinHLA andTissue Typing, Mary SLessor Journal ofMedicine, 3(2), 5-11,2003; Biochemical Changes in serum ofProtein Energy Malnourished Children Following DietaryProtein Repletion, Global Journal of Pure andAppliedScience, 9(1), 43-46,2003; Co-author,CalciumandLeadContentofWaterBoreholes and Packaged Water Samples in CalabarMetropolis, MarySlessor Journal of Medicine, 5(1), 2005; LipidProfile ofSickle Cell Patients in Southern Nigeria, Mary Slessor Journal ofMedicine, 2006; off: Department ofChemical Pathology, College of Medical Sciences, University ofCalabar, Cross River State.
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