UYA, Prof. Okon Edet (Late)

B.A., M.A., Ph.D., university teacher, diplomat; b: October3,1942; ht: Okuko,Oron,so:Akwa Ibom; m: AnnUdu, 1994; nc: threes,three d; ed: Methodist Primary School,Okuko,Oron,1949-55;West African People's Institute, Calabar, 1955-60; Hope Waddell Training Institution, Calabar, 1961-62; UniversityofIbadan, 1963-67; Universityof Wisconsin, Madison, USA, 1967-69; cr: Reader, Department of History, UniversityofWisconsin, USA, 1967-68; Project asst University ofWisconsin, USA, 1968-69; asst v-prof. History, BeloitCollege, Wiscon-sin, USA, 1968-69; Tele-Lecturer, BereaCol-lege, Kentucky, USA.1968-69; Special Con-sultant on Afro-American Studies(History Extension), University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA,1969; asst v-prof.History Department University ofWisconsin, Madison, USA, 1969-70; Consultant, Department of Afro- AmericanStudies, Wisconsin State University, EauClaire,USA, 1970; aprof. Department of Afro-American Studies, University of Wiscon-sin, Madison, USA, 1970-71; visiting a-prof.AmherstCollege, Massachusetts, USA, 1971 -72; a-prof. African Studies and Research Programme, Howard University, USA, 1971-72; prof.History, Howard University, USA,1972- 74;William LeoHansberry v-prof.African Historiography, Africana Studies and Research Centre, Cornell University, USA,1973-74; snr. Lecturer/Acting Head, Department of History/Ar-chaeology, University ofNigeria, Calabar Campus, 1974-75; Head, Department ofHistory, University ofCalabar, 1975- 82; prof. History, University ofCalabar, since 1976; ag.Dean, Faculty of Education, 1976-78; Dean, Faculty of Arts, 1976-78; ch. Committee of Deans, 1977-78; Dean, Faculty ofArts/ch. Committee of Deans, 1979-80; dep.v-c. 1980-82; ag. v-c.University ofCalabar, August-October 1981; Prof, University ofUyo, currently, Nigerian Ambassador Ex-traordinary and Plenipotentiary toArgentina, with Concurrent Accreditation toChile, Peru and Uruguay, 1987; mm: Political Bureau, 1986-87; Visiting Scholar, University ofBelgrano, BuenosAires,Argentina, 1989-92; Historical Society ofNigeria, 1963; Council, 1977-82; Ameri-can Historical Association, 1968, Organisation ofAmerican Histo-rians, 1969; Oral History Association, USA, 1971;African Heritage StudiesAssociation, USA, 1971; Executive Committee, 1972-74;Society forthe Study ofNegro Life and History, USA, 1971; African Studies Association, USA, 1972; Board, National Library ofNigeria, 1975- 79, Board, Cultural Centre, Cross RiverState, Calabar, 1976-78, Cross RiverState Schools Management Board, 1976-78; Senate,GoverningCouncil, University ofCalabar, 1984-86; Finance and General Purpose Committee, 1984-86; Appointments and Promotions Committee (Academic), Council Representative, 1984-86; Board ofGovernors, University ofCalabarTeaching Hospital, 1984-86; Political Bureau, Federal Government ofNigeria, 1986- 87; Electoral ReformCommission, 2008; International Editorial Board, Lavant Journal ofthe MiddleInstituteofResearch, 1980; Research Board ofAdvisers, American Biographical Institute USA, 1985; ArgentineWriters Association, Argentina; Life, Union deCordores las Americas, Argentine Society of Historians; Honorary, Bolivian Academy,Argentina, Institute ofCeremonials; Justice Uwais Political Reform Committee, 2008;ch/ceo.National Electoral Commission, Abuja, 1993; assoc. edit. Canadian Journal of Nationalism, 1972-74; Executive Committee, Department ofHistory, Howard University, 1972-74; presd. American Universities Alumni Association, Cross River State, 1974-75; ch.Southern African ReliefFund, Cross River State, 1977- 78; editor, Calabar Historical Journal, 1976-87; Principal Editor, Guide to the Study oftheUS History Outside the USA, 1977-81; Associate Editor, Journal ofthe Historical Society ofNigeria, 1977-85; External Assessor, Professional Appointments inHistory, Howard University, Washington DC,' Universities of Lagos, Ibadan, Ife, Port Harcourt, Ahmadu Bello, Uyo and University ofNigeria, Nsukka, 1977-93; e-e. College ofEducation, Uyo, Nigeria,! 975-1976; History Department University of Lagos, 1978-81; UniversityofPort Harcourt, 1981-82; Bendel State University, Ekpoma, Edo State 1985-1987;Abia State University, Uturu, Abia State, 1998; ch.Faculty ofArtsGraduate Committee, 1984-86; tt: Okooto-Okote Oro,1987; Utighe Ubene Ibighi. 1993; Ikpoto Oro, 1999; h: Collar oftheAguila Bicefal", Argentine, Institute ofCeremonials, Buenos Aires, Argentina, October 4, 1990; EagleofHonour, OrderoftheKnights ofSaint Martin ofTours, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1990; Medal ofEminent Diplomat Argentina, 1990; Cross ofGenenl San Martin,Argentina's Highest Honour fordistinguished diplomats, Government oftheArgentine Republic, 1992; EBN Award for Excellence in Academics. Given bytheEntertainment Broadcasting Network, Uyo, Akwa Ibom State, publ: From Slavery to Public Service: Robert Smalls. 1839- 1915; Oxford University Press, 1971; Black Brotherhood: Afro-Americans andAfrica, Health and Company, 1971; African History: Some Problems in Methodology andPerspectives, Monograph Series No. 2,Africana Studies and Research Centre, Cornell University, 1974; Prelude to Disaster: An Analysis ofthe Racial Policies ofBoerandBritish Settlers inSouth Africa Before 1910, Department ofHistory, Howard University, 1973; Historyofthe Oron People oftheLowerCrossRiverBasin. Manson Publishers, 1984; co author, Perspectives cd Methods of Studying African History, Fourth Dimension, 1985; African DiasporaandtheBlack Experience inNew World Slavery, Fourth Dimension Publishers, 1987; History oftheOron People of the Lower Cross River Basin, Manson Publishers, 1984, and numerous articles innational andinternational learned journals; hob: reading, writing, swimming, debates, walking; off: Department ofHistory, orI.P.P.A University ofCalabar, P.M.B. 1115, Calabar, CrossRiver State,tel: 087-234748, ext: 447;res: 149,NdidemUsangIsoRoad,Calabar, CrossRiverState; tel:087- 223500, orOkukoII,c/oOyubia P.A, Urue Offiong/Oruko Iga., Oron,Akwa Ibom State.
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