UYANGA, Prof. Joseph TheophiIus

Uni versity Teacher, Professor of Geography, Dean, Sch. of Environmenta l Sciences, Fed Univ. of Techno logy, Yola; LGA: Iko no; Born: Oct. 5, L 1950; Pa: Theophilus U. Uyanga (d) and Agnes U. Uyanga; Married to Dr. Mrs. Rose line Uyanga; C hildren: Itoro ( 17), Ote( 14), Ns isong (13), Ekom (II); E ducation: TIC, Uyo, 1967-69, Teache rs Grade II ; Uni v. of Ibadan, 1969-71 , B.Sc; Un iv. of South Australia, 1972-75, Ph.D; Career and Work H istory: Lecturer II , Univ. of Ibadan, 1975-76; Lecturer I, Un iv. of Calaba r, 1977-79. Senior Lecture r, 1979-83 ; Head, De pt. of Town Planning Un iv. of Science and Tech., Po rt. Harcourt, 1983-86; Associate Professor, Nigerian Defence Academy, Kaduna, 1986-90; Head , Department of Urban and Regional Planning Professor and Dean, School of Environmental Sciences, Federa l Uni v. of Technology Yola, 1990- present: Career R elated Responsibilities: SubDean, Facu lty of Soc ial Sciences, 1980, Department Represen tative, Board of Studies 198 1-82, Un iv. of Ca labar, Head Department o f Architecture and Town Plan ning. 1984-87, Chairm an, Facu lty Curricu lum Deve lopment Committee 1985-87, Chairman, Faculty Resea rch Comm ittee, 1985-87, Uni v. of Science and Tech., Po rt Harcourt; Head Dept of Geography. Chai rman , faci lit ies Comm ittee, Member, Research Commi ttee, Mem., Ed itorial Board, Nigerian Defence Acad emy, Kad un a; Mem. of Senate, Feele ra l Univ. of Tech, Yola; Special Work Related Achievcments: Cons ultant to Un ion for Afr ican Populat ion Studies, Dakar. Co nsultant to Afr ican Techn o logy Po licy Studies Programme, Nairobi, Kenya; Mem. National Comm inee on Urban Development Pol icy, Consultant ,Africa re (N igeria); P ublications: Publi shed three books, chapter in twelve books, thirty four publications in learned journals; Civic Activ ities: Chai rman. Manpower Board ,South Eastern Stat e, Ca labar. 198 1-82: Mem., Faculty Comm ittee on Staff Welfare. 1980-8\. Uni v . of Ca labar; Professional Memberships: Mem .. Nigerian Geographi cal Asscn.; Mem., Austra li an Geographical Assocn ; Meill .. Popul a ti on Re ference Burcau .USA: Mel11 . Rivers State A SSCI1. of Plallners: iVI ('11 1 . \ rl 1(;111 Studies Asscn. USA: M"I11 .. Roval " u,tnli!. " ":' :!29 Institute; Mem. Afr ican Asscn of Soc ial Sc ience and Med icine; Mem., In tern ational Un ion for Sc ientific Study of Popul ation; Mem. Population Asscn of Niger ia; Mem., Intern at ional Society for Human Ecology; Mem., Union for African Popul ation Studies; Mem. , Nigerian Environmental Society; Listed in Africall Popula/ion Exper/s UAPS, Dakar, IlIl ernalional Directory of Human Ecologists, New York, USA; Direc/Oly of Nigerian Social Sciel1lis/S and lv/edicine, Lagos. Religious Affiliation: Catholi c; Hobbies: Gardenjng, Reading, Travell ing, Bird Watching, Singing; Office: Dean's Office, School of Environmenta l Sc iences, Federal Ulli v. of Tee hila logy, Vo la, Adamawa State. Home: c/o Mrs. B. E. Udoh , 148 Oron Uyo, Akwa Ibom State.
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