UYE, Ulo Ante

Accountant, Banker, Area Manager (Eastern States), NAL Merchant Bank PLC; LGA: Urue OffongiOruko; Born: Feb. 17. 1956; Pa: Ante UyeAmba and Eno A. Uye; Married to Mrs. Arit U. A. Uye; Children: Ante( 18). Ikpuk(l4), Enobong( II ), Uwaobong(5); Education: Gov!. Sec Sch., Afikpo, 1966-67, Methodist Boys High Sch., Oron, 1968-71, WAEC; The Polytechni c, Calabar, 1973 -75, OND Accountancy, Slough College of Higher Education. Slough, United Kingdom. 1978-81, London Sch. of Accountancy, London, UK . 198 1-82, Asscn. of Certified and Chartered Accountan ts (ACCA); Schiller In te rn ational Uni, London, UK, 1982-83 , MBA; Other Qualification" Assoc iate Mem., In sti tute of Chartered Accounl OIlI ' of Nigeria (ICAN); Career and Work Hislol'" Cler ica l Offi cer, Central Bank of Nigeria, Lag'" 1972-73 . Audit Superv iso r, I. E. Uboh anci C', (Chartered Accountants), Ca lab or. ,i5-n . Accou nta nt, Mercanti le Bank 0f '" i~ , ' ,a PLC. Calaba r, 1977-78, Cred it Coni roller. Chi" Manufacturing' pany Limited, Slough, UK, 1981 - 82: Area Manager, NAL Merchant Bank PLC. Lagos, Kad una, Port Harcourt, 1984 -prese nt : Career Relateu Kesponsibilities: Chairman. Patron, Asscn. of Accountancy Students, Kadu n:T Polytechnic, 1985-87, Secretary, Di strict Society of ICAN, Kaduna, 1987-89: Pres., Kaduna Bankers Committee, Kadu na, 1988-90; Special Work Related Achievement; NAL's Merchant" Bank Employee of the Year, 1994; P ublications; Various publicat ions in business paperS on Accountancy and Banking Related Topics: Civic Activities: Secretary, Afro Caribbean Club, Slough. UK, 1978-80, Pres., 1980-82, Secretary, Oron Deve lopment Union, Kad una, 1985-87; Fina nce Committee Chairman, Akwa Ibom State Ind igenes Asscn., Kad una, 1989- 91 ; Pres ., Oron Development Un ion, Kadu na, 1991- 94; Editor in Chi ef, METHSCOL Guide, 19 70-71; Editor in Chief, TECHNOCRAT, 1974-75; Honours and Awards: Employee of the month by NAL Merchant Bank PLC Lagos, 1995; Listed in : DireclOlY af Members af the fllsl illile af Charlered ACCOlllll alllS af Nigeria; Professional Memberships: Associate Mem., In stitute of Chartered Accountants of Niger ia; Religions Affiliation : Christian: Hobbies: Lawn Tennis. Reading, Cricket; O ffice: NA L Merchan! Bank PLC. 112E Aba Road, P.O.Box 4905, Port Harcou rt. Rivers State. Tel : (084)239002: 239003: 239005
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