UZODIKE, Dr. (Chief) Vincent Obiora

MBBS (Lond), MD(Lond), FRCP (Lond), FRCP(Edin), FMCP(Nig), FWACP,FACP; physician,educationist philanthropist, author,administrator, b: December18,1932;p: Ubulu-uku; ht: Ekwulobia;so: Anambra; m: Uzoamaka EstherAralu, 1967; nc: twos, two d; ed: EkwolobiaCMS Central School, 1937-41; Onitsha CMSCentral School, 194244; Nnewi Central School, 1944-46; Dennis MemorialGrammar School, Onitsha, 1947-51; University College, Ibadan, 1956-61; London Chest Hospital;Brompton Hospital for Chest and Heart Disease, 1963-64; Post-graduate Medical School, London, 1964;Cardiology National Heart Hospital, London, 1964; Universityof London, 1993; cr: House Surgeon, UniversityCollege Hospital,Ibadan, 1962;House Physician, 1962; House Physician, LondonChest Hospital, London, 1963-64; Registrar, Medicine, General Hospital, Rochford, England, 1964-65; snr. Registrar, Medicine, University College Hospital, Ibadan, 1965-66; Lecturer/Consultant Physician, UniversityofNigeriaTeaching Hospital,Enugu, 1967;Part-time Lecturer, FacultyofMedicine, University ofNigeria, 1971-74;ChiefConsultantin- Charge, St.Vincent's Hospital, Uwani, Enugu, since 1974; Visiting Research • prof.Cardiology,TheWestVirginia University. Medical School, Morgantown, USA, 1980;mm:Nigeria Medical Council, 1976; Governing Board, National InstituteforMedical Research,Lagos, 1980;InstituteforMedicalResearch, Lagos, 1980; Senate,National Postgraduate Mediqal College, Lagos, Court of Examiners, Internal Medicine, 1986-96tvNational Committee on Improvement of Services inNigeria; Governing Council, National Postgraduate Medical College; Nigerian Medical Association, 1961; British Medical Association, 1963; Nigerian Cardiac Society, 1971; Nigerian Hypertension Society, 1994; International Society for Internal Medicine, 1997;Board, National Institute forMedical Research, Yaba; pastpresd.Nigerian Medical Association,Anambra State; Dennis Memorial Grammar School, OldBoys' Association, 1988-90; ch. Faculty Board of Internal Medicine, 1994; Management Committee, Enugu Cheshire Home for the Disabled; Patron, Braille Resource Centre forthe Blind; presd.Association of Physicians of Nigeria; h: Knight of St. Christopher, 1996; f. West African College of Physicians, 1965; Medical Council in Physics, 1971;First Africanto be elected Honorary Fellow ofthe American College of Physicians, 2000; publ: Medical Ethics, Amazing Grace Publishers, Enugu, 1997; Revivaland Reformation Passionately Desiredfor ourGeneration, 2003; sc: presd. Rotary Club of Enugu, 1987-88; award: African Icon of our Generation Award,by Accolades International,2007; tt: Ocho Udo Nnewi, 1988; hob: reading, research, lawnandtabletennis, music;off: St. Vincent's Hospital, 2, UmuleriStreet, P.O. Box 1767,Enugu;tel:042-253018; res:3,0chuma Street, IndependenceLayout, Enugu, EnuguState;tel: 042-457874.
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