UZOIGWE, Prof. Godfrey Nwanoruo

BA, Ph.D; historian and university teacher: b: September 25, 1938; ht: Umunoha; so: Owerri; m: Patricia Josephine Marie Cahill, 1964; nc: three s; ed: St. Paul's Catholic School, Umunoha, Owerri, 1943-48; Christ the king School, Mbieri, Owerri, 1949-50; Stella Maris College, Port Harcourt. 195155; University College, Dublin. Ireland, 1960-63; Trinity College, University of Dublin. Ireland. 1963-64; Christ Church. Univcrsityof Oxford, England, 1964-67. cr: Lecturer, History and Latin, Black Rock College, Dublin, 1963-64; Lecturer in History, Makercre Uni versity, Kampala, Uganda, 1967-70; asst. prof History, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA., 1970-72; aprof. History, Universityof Michigan, USA., 1972-75; prof. History, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 1971-81; visiting prof. University of Nigeria. Nsukka, 1976-77; prof./Head, Department of History, University of Calabar, 1981-87; Dean, Faculty of Arts, University of Calabar, 1984-87; pro f/Dean. College of Humanities and Social Sciences, Imo State University, Okigwc, 1987; dir. Centre for Igbo Studies, Imo State University, 1988; mm: The Royal African Society, London, Uganda Academy, Uganda Society. Historical Society of Tanzania. American Historical Association, publ: Britain and the Conquest of Africa The Age of Salisbury. University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor, 1974; Short History of South Africa, Goran Books and Imo State Library Board. Owerri, 1987. hob: Cricket. lawn tennis, off: College of Humanities and Social Sciences. Imo State University, P.M.B. 2000, Okigwc. res: 6, New Stadium Crescent, Owerri, Imo State.
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