UZONO, Geoffrey Lysias

Teacher, Pri ncipal Lecturer Coll ege of Education. BORNO State; Former Comm iss ioner of Agric. & Natural Reso urces, Akwa Ibom State; LGA: Eastern Obopo; Bol'II: Aug. 26. 1938; Pa: ChiefLysias U. Uzono(d) and Mrs Eunice Lys ias(d); Married to Mrs Selin ah G. Uzono: Children : Euni ce(3 I), Levi(28). G eo f f r e y (26) . Japhet( 19 \ Illl' l11cllte( 17), EI frida( 14); Education: Meth"dist l "lie:;". Uzuak,,1 i. 195 I- 55 . W ASC; Uni v. of lbadan, (ExtraMurrli ll'I73 . GCE A' ieve l: Uni v. of Maiduguri. 1977-R" I\'Sc. Sociology and Anthropology: Other Quali lications: Uni v. of Ibadan, 1983-84, MILR; Career and Work History: Air Traffic COlltr" lI er. Fed. Min. of 1\\ " ., i, ' n, 1960-77; Lecturer, Borno State College of Ba", St udi es, Maidu~uri. B'"l1 a. 1980: Principal Lecturer, College of Ed ucation and Science, Bama Borno State. 1993-95: I-Ion. COl11m issioller, Akwa Ibom State, 1995-96; Professional Memberships: Assoc iate Mem., Niger ian In stitute of Management. 1980; Mem., British Inst. of Management; Fellow. Nig. Inst. of Sales Management; Office: College of Education, Bama. Borno State.
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