WANGBOJE, Prof. Solomon Ona Irein

MFA, Ed.D, fine artist, educationist, born August 16, 1930, Avbiosi, Bendel State; mar ried Florence Ehiozogie Amadasu 1960, two sons, six daughters; Education: Edo College, Benin City, 1946-50, Nigerian College of Technology, Zaria, 1955-59, Granbrook Academy of Arts, Michigan, USA, 1961-63, New York University, New York, USA, 1965-68; appointed Publications Artist, Federal Ministry of Information, 1959-63; Design and Art Supervisor, Nigerian Television, 1964-65, Research fellow, University of Ife (now Obafemi Awolowo University), Ile-Ife, 1968-70; Senior Research fellow, Obafemi Awolowo University, 1970-71; Senior Lecturer, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, 1971-73; appointedPro fessor of FineArts, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, 1973; Professor of CreativeArts, Univer sity of Benin,BeninCity, since 1978; member, International Association of Art and National President, Nigerian Chapter; member, Interna tional Society for Education Through Art, WorldCouncillorand African Representative; member, National Art Education Association, USA; Vice-Chairman, Bendel State Police- Community Relations Committee; Award: con ferred with International Ziegfeld Award, In ternational Society for EducationThrough Arts, USA, 1988; Publications: contributed to: Liv ing Cultures of Nigeria (Thomas Nelson, 1976); Arts for Junior Secondary Schools (J"vans Brothers, 1982, 1988); Hobbies: photography, reading; Official Address: Department of Creative Arts, University of Benin, Benin Ci ty, Bendel State; Home: P.6 Senior Staff Residential Quarters, UgbowoCampus, Univer sity of Benin, Benin City, Bendel State; Telephone: (052) 243631.
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