WAZIRI, Mallam Ibrahim (MP)

CFR FEDERAL MINISTER OF HEALTH, FOUNDER OF THE GREAT NIGERIAN PEOPLES PARTY (GNPP). Wa^iri Ibrahim was bom in Yerwa on the 26th of February 1926. Hisfather was Alhaji Ibrahim Ibn Mohammed who was said to be the Imam of Konduga. With his background itwas only natural that he had Islamic Educationfirst. Helaterhadelementary education in Damaturu (residence of his elderBrother)from 1936-1939. He wenttoMaiduguriMiddleSchoolfrom 1940-1943 andKaduna Colkgefrom 1944-1947. Mallam Wa^iri hadmost of his working life workedwith the UnitedAfrican Trading Company, UAC. First he was aspecialentrant into the Company inJos in 1948; he became Cashierandlater Wholesale Keeperofthe Company inMaiduguriin 1951 and back toJos in 1952 as the LabourStaff Clerk in Charge. HebecameManagerin 1953 and was made incharge of Benue area. Hisrecordof wonderfulservicepushedhim up the ladderagain in 1955when he was made the ZonalHaberdashery SalesManagerin Kano. He was there till1957when he was made the StationManagerin Gusau. Later he was to become the UAC Distria Manager in Kaduna with control over Kaduna, Minna, Bida, Kontagora, Ilorin, Lokoja andIdah branches. In order to have the best of him, twice the UACsent him to the UKto study the Head Officefunctions of the Company in 1954 and 1957 and also to attend Management Courses. However as the march towards independence intensifiedhisNAinvitedhim home andnominatedhimforelection into the House of Representatives in 1959. Hewon the Konduga-Mafa seat into the House under theplatform of the NPC. In 1960 he was namedthe FederalMinister of Health. However, beforejoining the NPC, he was respectedasthefounder of the Damaturu branch of theNEPUin 1950 andwas the Chairman between 1950 and 1951. Alhaji Wa^iriIbrahim was aman of the worldwho sawthingsfrom abroadperspective of intellectual'urbanity. After the militaryforcefully sacked their Government in 1966. Heretiredinto business. When the military notified its intention to leave politicsforpoliticians in 1978, Alhaji Wasjri Ibrahim again presented himselffor service to the Nation. The politicalparty hefounded - the Great Nigerian People's Party of which again he was the Presidential Candidatepredicated itsprinciples on what waspopularly known aspolitics without bitterness. Though he didnotwin the presidentialelection of 1979, he remaineda unifyingfaaorin thefragmentedNigerianpolitical'landscape. Theman who haddemonstratedimmense entrepreneurialqualities both in his UACdays andaftershowedhe was a true democratashe emphasised the needfor a veritable shiftfrom the oldpolitics of do ordie tothat of moderation andtolerance. He was fewwymdwtb the CFRin1983. HediedinJuly, 1992.
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