IWOK, Prof Edet Robinson

Un ivers ity Teacher, Accountant, Professor of Accounting, Dean, Faculty of Business Administration, Univ.ofUyo; LGA: :Abak; Born: Nov. 7,1937; Married with three Children; Education: Qua Iboe Mission Sec Sch., Et inan, 1951-56, WASC; TIC, Uyo, 1957-58, Teachers Gd. II; Miles College, Birmingham, Alabama, 1961-64, B.S. Business Admin and Maths; Atlanta Univ. Atlanta, U.S.A, 1964-65, MBA, Accounting and Business Finance; Northwestern Univ. Evanston, Illinois, U.S.A, 1965-70, Ph.D. Accounting and Corporate Finance; Other Qualification: I.T.P from C.E.S.A., France, 1979; Career and Work History: Instructor, Qua Iboe Mission Sec Sch., Etinan, 1959-61; Accountant, Sellers Brothers Inc., Atlanta, Georgia, U.S.A, 1964; Marketing Analyst Rating Agent, Packaged Meat Industries, Birmingham, Alabama, U.S.A, 1964; Survey Agent, Atlanta Transit Company, Georgia, U.S.A, 1964; Inventory Accountant, Miles College, Birmingham, Alabama, U.S.A, 1963-64; Asst. Accountant, Northwestern Univ. Press, Evanston, Illinois, 1966; Instructor, Northwestern Univ., Chicago, U.S.A, 1968-69; Asst Prof., Univ. of Winconsin, Milwaukee, U.S.A, 1969-71; Associate Prof. and Chairman, Dept. of Business Admin, South Carolina State College, Orangeburg, U.S.A, 1971-76; Prof, Accounting and Chairman, Dept. of Business Admin, South Carolina State College, Orangeburg, U.S.A, 1976-77; Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Management Studies, Univ. of Calabar, 1977-79; Prof., Head, Dept of Mgt. Studies, Univ. ofCalabar, 1980-88; Dean, Faculty of Social Sciences, Univ. of Calabar, 1982-86; Prof and Dean, Faculty of Social Sciences, Univ. of Cross River State, 1986-87; Hon. Commissioner for Commerce, Industry and Tourism, 1989-90; Comm issioner for I ndustries and Cooperatives, 1990-9 1; Commissioner for Commerce and Tourism, 1991 ; Prof and Dean, Faculty of Business Administration, Univ. ofUyo, 199I-present; Career Related Activities and Responsibilities: Director, Mercantile Bank of Nigeria Ltd, Calaf,ar, 1979-8 1; Consultant, Accounting, Opportunity Industrialization Centre, Greater Milwaukee, U.S.A, 1969-71; Consultant, Research, MilwaukeeCommunity Economic Development, U.S.A, 1969-71; Director, Small Business Institute of Small Business Administration, U.S.A, 1971 -77; Consultant, Curriculum, Retail Automotive Career Development Institute, U.S.A, 1971-77; Consultant, Accounting Systems, Basabia Plastics Co., Calabar, 19~8 ; Chairman, Mund and Myke Finance Ltd., Lagos, I 992-present; Pres., Akwa Ibom State Asscnof Community Banks, I 993-present; Deputy Chairman, Eti Etop Community Bank, Abak, I 992-present; External Exam iner, Obafemi Awolowo Univ., lle-l fe, 1981-83; Univers ity of Lagos, 1981 -83; Univ. of Zambia, 1982-83; Univ. of Benin, 1982-84; Univ. of Port Harcourt, 1984-85; Univ. of Jos, 1985-86; Imo State Univ., 1985-86, 1986-87; Mem. of the Univ. Governing Council, I 994-present; Chairman, Univ. Uyo Consult, I 983-present; Mem., Board of Postgraduate Sch.; Mem., Central Appointments and Promotions Committee (Academic), 1991 -present; Mem., Committee of Deans, 1991 -present; Mem., Univ. Senate, 1991 -present; Mem" Committee on Remuneration for Remedial and Sandwich Programmes, 1994 and numerous other responsibil ities within and outside the Univ. of Uyo; Board Mem., Peacock Paints Ltd., Eti nan, 1989-91; Chairman, Akwa Feeds Ltd., Uyo, 1989-91 ; Chairman, Qua Steel Products Ltd., Eket, 1989-91; Chairman, Champion Breweries Ltd., Uyo, 1989-9'1 amongst other such responsib ili ties; Special Work Related Achievemcnts:Patron, Accounting Students Asscn, 1991 - present; Patron, National Universities Asscn of Management and Business Students, 199 1 - present; Patron the Nigerian Universities Marketing Students Asscn, 1991 - present; Publ ications: Two books, Five Chapters in books; Seventeen jou rnal articles; Two sundry publications; fifty nine papers presented at Professional and National Conferences, Congresses and Seminars; Civic Activities: Director, Penn Community Services, Charleston, U.S.A, 1975-77; Chaimnan, CRS Teachers Council, Calabar, 1979-84; Chaimnan, CRS Green Revolution Coordinating Committee, Calabar, 1979-83 ; Chairman, CR Basin Development Authority, Calabar, 1979-83; Pres., Nigerian Asscn of School of Management Education and Training,(NASMET) 1986-88; Honours and Awards: Distinguished Leadership Award by the American Biographical Institute, 1991 ; Oku Nwed K' Abak, 1989; Student of the Year, 1964; Top 5% of MBA Class 1964-65; Valedictorian, Class of 1964; Charles Merrill Fellow, 1964-65; Atlanta Univ. Graduate Fellow, 1964-65; Northwestern Univ. Research Assistant, 1965-68; Honorary Director, Research Board of Advisers, The American Biographical Institute, 199 1; Honorary Award for Promotion of Education by Abak Students Asscn., Univ. of Uyo, 1994; Presidential Scholar, 1963-64; Miles College Honour Society, 1963-64, as well as other such Honours; Listed in Outstanding Young Men of America, 1971; Outstanding Educators of America, 1974; Who 's Who in Nigeria, 1983; Who's Who Among Students in Americall Ulliversities and Colleges, 1963; Professional Memberships: Fellow, Institute of Admini strative Management of Nigeria; Fellow, Institute oflntern al Auditors of Nigeria; Associate Mem., Nigerian Inst itute of Management; Mem., Association of National Accountants of Nigeria (AN AN); Mem., American Accounting Asscn., U.S.A; Mem., Midwest Business Administration Asscn., U.S.A; Mem., Society for Advancement of Management, U.S.A; Mem., South Carolina Asscn of Accountants, (Director, Community Affa irs) . U.S.A; Mem., Southern Management Asscn., U.S.A; Religious Affiliation: Chri stian Office: Faculty of Business Administration, Univ .. of Uyo, PMB 1017, Uyo, Akwa Ibom State. Home: Abak Itenge, P. O. Box 102, Abak, Akwa Ibom State.
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