YADUDU, Prof. Auwalu Hamisu

LLB., BL., LL.M., SJD; lawyer, university teacher, administrator, b: July 1953; so: Kano; m: Zainab, 1978; has children. ed: School for Arabic Studies, Kano, 1969-73; Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, 1975-78; Nigeria Uw School, Ugos, 1978-79; Harvard University, USA, 1981 -85. en asst Ucturer, Bayero University, Kano, 1980-83; Ucturer II, 1983-85; Ucturer 1,1985-88; snr. Ucturer, 1988-92; Reader, 1992-96; prof,ofUw, Bayero University, Kano, since 1997; mm. International Institute of Islamic Thought, Washington, DC, USA; Islamic Societyof North America, USA; African Studies Association, USA; Governing Council, Bayero University, since 1987; Senate, Bayero University, since 1987; Kano State Social Policy on Destitution; Constitution Review Committee, 1987-88; Constituent Assembly, 1988-89; National Universities Commission; AcademicStandard Committee on Uw, presd.Nigerian Association of UwTeachers, 1991; external moderator, University of Ibadan; Ahmadu Bello University, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, University of Maiduguri; Universityof Jos; Nigerian BarAssociation; SpecialAdviser,Ugal Matterstothe HeadofState,199699;publ:Colonialism andthe Transformation ofthe Substance andform of Islamic Law in theNorthern Slates ofNigeria, 1987; We needa newLegal system, 1989; Custom and Lawand the Nigerian State: Policies Dilemmas and Options. 1991; Human rights and Social Justice in Nigeria, 1991; Institutional Jurisdictional Constraints ofthe Matrimonial Arbitration. 1992; Independence ofthe Judiciary with Particular Reference toAppointment, Removal andDispipiine, 1989; hob: computer exploration and programming; off: Faculty ofUw, BayeroUniversity,Kano; Yadudu Associates& Co., Plot40,BUKRoad (opp.BUKOldCampusGate). P.O. Box50, Kano; tel: 064-631254, 310049, 331199, 08033173886; e-mail: [email protected] [email protected].
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