YAGBA, Thomas Aben Terlumun

LLB, BL, LLM, Ph.D, legal practitioner,adminis trator, born March 11, 1963, Awambe, Tse- Pevii, Guma LGA, Benue State. Education: NKST Primary School, Ishan, 1970-74; Community Secondary School, Makurdi, 1974-79; Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, 1980-84; Nigerian Law School, Lagos, 1984- 85; Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, 1986- 87;Ahmadu bellow University, Zaria, 1991 - 96;California StateUniversity, Sacramento, USA, 1996. Career: Appointed Graduate Assistant/Lecturer, Ahmadu Bellow Univer sity, Zaria, 1986-95; Senior Research Fellow, Nigerian Institute of Advanced Legal Stud ies, Lagos; member, Ahmadu Bello Univer sity Senate, 1989-91; Converter/Chairman, Faculty Moot Court Competition Commit tee, Faculty Seminars, 1982-92; member, Standing Committee of the University Con gregation, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria 1988-92; Assistant Dean, Undergraduate, Faculty of Law, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, 1992-94; Acting Head, Department of Commercial Law, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria 1993-95; Head, Department of Inter national Law, Nigeria Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, Lagos, 1995-97; Special As sistant to the Director General, Nigeria In stitute of Advanced Legal Studies, Lagos, 1995-97; member, Consultative Assembly on the Reform of Nigerian Company Law, 1988; member, Federal Government Legal Task Force on the Articulation of Policy on the Nigerian/Cameroun International Boundary. 1990-91; member, Committee on Model Contracts Nigerian Copyright Council, 1992; member, National Advisory Ozone Commit tee, Federal Environmental Protection Agency, 1993; member, Visitation Panel to the Federal College of Education (Techni cal), Akoka, Lagos, 1994; member, Assis tant Director of Publications Nigerian Soci ety of International Law 1994-95; External Examiner, Department of Business Admin istration and Local Government, Kaduna Polytechnic, Kaduna, 1994-95; member, Panel ofExperts on the Annotation ofFed eral Laws Project, since 1995; Commissioner for Information, Youth, Sports and Culture, 1997-98; member, Nigerian Bar Association; member, Nigerian Society of International Law; member Export Lawyers Association; member, Institute of Management Consult ants; member, Institute of Construction In dustry Arbitrators ofNigeria. Publications: Co-editor, Elements of Commercial Law, Tamaza Publishing Company Limited, Zaria, 1994; Themes In Nigerian Company Law,'1993, and many others. Hobbies: reading, swimming, squash, Home: Makurdi, Benue State.
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