YERIMA, Mallam Albatan Balla

MHR, VICE PRESIDENT,NORTHERN ELEMENTS PROGRESSIVE UNION Yarima Balla was born in Hong on 3f December 1923. He started his education attheJuniorPrimary School, Kilba in 1930. He was there till 1935. He went to Government School Kilbafrom 1936 to 1934. He was also in Secondary School, Wusasa, Zaria,from 1938-1942. His educationalpursuit took himfurther away to India where he attendedArmy Military College, Poonafrom 1944-1946. Back home, he alsopassedhis Matriculation Exams infour subjectsin 1948. Malam Yarima Balla wasateacher, aNurse, aSoldier, aJournalistandaPolitician. Hefirsttaughtin Pella Primary Schoolfrom where hejoinedthe Nursing Profession afterhaving trainedas an Auxiliary Nurse. He later joinedthe BritishArmy andsawaction duringtheSecond World WaratBurma andIndia. Itwas while he wasatBurma that he trained asaBritish Naval Officer. He traveledin South EastAsia and Western Europe andattendedthe 1946 ? World War Victory Parade in London. On thepoliticalfront heformed what was known as the Kilba Union which he changedto Kilba-Marga in 1959 encompassing allthe tribes in thegeographicalarea. Earlierin 1954 he hadtaken the Kilba Union into an alliance with the NEPU. Thatsameyearwhen he wasfully integrated into theNEPUmainstream he was elected the Vice President of the Party. Heplayedan active role in shaping thepoliticalculture of his immediate environment. He showedhispoliticalmightwhen he won an election into the FederalHouse of Representatives defeatingthe strongNPCcandidateshands down. Earlieron, he wasamemberNigerian delegation to the ConstitutionalConference in London in 1948. After thefirst coup, he was appointed CivilCommissionerfor Community Developmentin the North Eastern State andserved in that capacityfrom 19671975. Whenpartypolitics returnedin 1978, hejoinedthe National Party of Nigeria (NPN) theparty that later won the Presidential Seat thefollowingyear. Under that regime, he was appointedaDirectorof theNigerianAirways. Asakindof tribute to hisprofessions, NursingandJournalism, he builta clinicwhich he donatedto the Hong Community andaUbrary with more than ten thousandbooks on varioussubjects. He diedon30th November, 1999.
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