ZAKU, Dr. Alhassan Bako Dantpar

B.Sc, M.3d, Ph.D; academic, administrator, b: January 18,1951;Iga: Ibi; so: Tarata;t.,arried, withchadren; cd: NA Primary SchooL Wase, 1958-65; Barewa College, Zaria, 1965-71; Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, 1972-76; 1977-79; University of Hull, . England, 1981-83;cr Chemistry Teacher, NYSC, 1976-77; Graduate Asst. Ucturer Chemistry, Institute ofEducation, Ahntadu Bello Univc^ty, Zaria, 1977-78; Ucturer IL LSeniorLecturer, College ofEducation, Jalingo, 197886; Provost College ofEducation, Jalingo, 1986-91; Rector, Adamawa State Polytechnio. Yola, 1991-93; Rector.Taraba StatCjPoivtechnic, Jalingo, 199399 Cm'enxc4urcr,CoIlegeofJEd^^ion,Jaluigo,i9 MarBgcr,NatiormlCpenUra>^tycTNi^^ State Polytechnic, Wukari, 2005-07; Head, Dept ofPsychology, Collegeof Edtii^ion, Jalingo, 1979-8(k E>er^yPrw --. Jalingo, 1985;Sec. to theTaraba State Government, (SSG), 200T, Honourable Minister ofStateforScience ATeehnology, 2007-08; Substantive Minister, since2008; mm: National Committee of Second International Science Study, 1984; National Committee on Survey of Resource in Service Study, 1984; National Cornmittee on Survey of Resource in Soience, Mathematics and Technical Education in Secondary Schools inNigeria, 1984; Committeeto Determine Function! ofPost Primary School Board, Gongola State; Boardof Governors, Kaduna Polytechnic, 19W;I«»!erncntationC«nmi^ State Polytechnio, 1991; mm: Association ofScience Education UK; Science Teachers Association of Nigeria; National Vice PxcsidenL Science Teachers Association ofNigeria, 1993; du, Division of General Studies& Science Education, CollegeofJalingo, 1984; Gongda State Contntittw on te^ Polioy on Education, 1984; Gongola State Branch of Science Teachers* Association of Nigeria; State Iiimlementation Task Force on the National Polioy on Education, 1986; Training ofTeaclterafc* Introductory Tc^ (Pre-Scrvicc and In-Service), Gongola State, 1986-91; Training & Course include: Cadet Military Training, 1967-71; Ro-Structuringin Higher Education, Warwick University, UK, 1987; Craft Design and Technology Study Tour, Huddersfied Polytechnio, UK, ,1991; publ: "The Role of.the College of Education, Jalingo in the Teaching of Introductory. Technology in Gongola State", APaper Presented at aNational Seminar on Introductory Technology held in June, 1988; "Funding of Primary Education ,in Nigeria", A Paper Jointly Produced for Submission to The Presidential Commission on Funding r*irniuyEducationmKigcria;wrheIm ProodedatSpec^DayofStaff&t)»^ Authority, Yola; ?Thc Role ofCommunity hvthe Provision ofEducation^,A PaperPTe«em^catl»Ckx»ionofUKLaunchi^ the Building ofaSecondary School Blockof Classrooms in Kumbo, Donga Local Government Taraba State; Strer^hcning the Value and Reliability of Senior School Certificate in •rjigcria: The Rolea ofthe Vartous Stakeholders, apaper presented at the National Executive CoinwlMeetmgofANCOPSS held in Jalingo, Taraba State July, 2006; off: Ministry of Science and Technology, Federal Secretariat Complex, Abuja.
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