ZANGON, Daura Sani

B.Sc, business man,administrator, civilservant, born 1938, Zangon Daura, Katsina State; married Fatsuma &Sa'Adatu, sixsons, eight daugh ters; Education: Elementary School, Zangon, 1944-48; Katsina Middle School, 1948-52; School of Arabic Studies, Kano, 1384 1953-37; Teachers (Grade II, Daura & Dutsima, 1958-59; University Tutorial Col lege, Great Russel Street, London, 1961-63; University ofLagos, 1963-66; Career: Ap pointed Assistant District Officer, Borgu Division, 1967; Commissioner for Informa tion, Community Development&Public En lightenment, 1967-72; Commissioner for Health &Social Welfare, Former North Cen tral State(now Kaduna& Katsina States re spectively), 1972-75; Chairman, Caretaker Committee, Daura LGA, 1976-77; Delegate, Constituent Assembly, 1977-78; Delegate, Constitutional Conference, 1994-95; ap pointed Minister ofAgriculture &Rural De velopment, 1999-2000; Minister of Environ ment, 2000 - date; Chairman, Bakolori Ni geria Limited, Sokoto, 1980-82; Chairman, National Institute of Water Resources, Ka duna, 1982; Chairman, Board ofGovernors, Federal Polytechnic, Bauchi, 1982-83; Chair man, United Wire Products Limited, Kaduna, 1996-80; Chairman, United BawoConstruc tion Company Limited, Kaduna, 1976-80: Chairman, Tubali Na Gari Nigeria Limited, Kaduna, 1976-80; Chairman, Lodigiani Ni geria Limited, 1984; Chairman, Federal Mortgage Bank, 1993; Chairman, Bolum Holding Company Limited, Kaduna; Chair man, Northern Property Development Com pany Limited, Kaduna; Chairman, Maryam Education Trust Fund, Kaduna; Chairman, Techno-Plastic Nigeria Limited, Kaduna; Director. Ile-Ife University Teaching Hospi tal, 1976-78; Director, Life Insurance (now UNIC), 1976-79; Director, Taylor Woodrow Nigeria Limited, 1996; Director, Rigid Pak Containers Limited, Zaria, 1977-90; Direc tor, NISS1CO, Kano, 1977-78; Director, Nortex Nigeria Limited; Director. Kaduna Aluminium Limited, Kaduna, Director, Ka duna Machine Works Limited, Kaduna; Di rector, Textiles Limited, Kaduna; Political Parties: member, defunct National Party of Nigeria; member, defunct Social Democratic Party;' member. Peoples Democratic Party. 1998-date; Traditional Title: Danmasanin Daura: Official Address: Federal Ministry of Environment. New Federal Secretariat Complex, Three Arms Zone, Wuse. Abuja. Home: No. 18, Martins Crescent, Asokoro, Abuja; Telephone: 09-314-2543.
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