ZUBAIR, Prof. Abdul-Quadlr

LL.B, M.A, Ph.D; lawyer, lecturer, administrator, b: January 2,1950; p: Ibadan; Iga: Ibadan North West; so: Oyo; married, has children; cd:Arabio Instituteof Nigeria, Ibadan, 1964-67; Secondary Institute ofIslamic University, Madinah, Sandi Arabia, 1969-72; LlarmoUravcrsityofMadinah, Saudi-Arar^ 1972-76; TteAircricanUruvcrsity in Cairo, 1977-79; BayeroUniversity, Kano, 1983-87; Usman DanFodio University, Sokoto, 1995-96; cr: Asst Lecturer, Faculty of Uw, Bayero University, Kano, 1980-82;LecturerIL 1982-85; Lecturer1,1985-89;Senior Lecturer,1989-92;AssociateProfessorofIslamioUwsince1999;Sub-Dean, Faculty of Uw, 1982-86; DeputyDean, 1987-90; ActingDean, 1989-90; 2000-01; Head, Dept ofLaw,1995-05;Dean, Faculty ofUw,2005-07;Head, Deptof Islamic- Law,Ugos State University, since 2007; member, University Senate, 1982-85; since 1995;'CounciI member, Council of Legal Education, 2000-02; 2005-07; mem.Central SenateResearch Grants Cpmmittee, since 1998; htm: Congregation Standing Committee; 1982-85; Faculty Board of Education, 1981-84; 1987-88; Faculty BoardofArts andIslamic Studies, 1984-85; Academio BoardofGeneral Studies, 1985-87; University Tenders Board, 1985-86;UniversityConsultancy ServicesBoard, 1986-92;Research andHigher Degree Committee, 1988-92; University Postgraduate Board, 1991-92; 1997-06; FacultyofLaw, UgosStateUniversity, since2007;Board of-Examiners, Faculty ofUw, Ugos StateUniversity, since2007; Faculty Appointments andPromotion Committee, 1989-93; since 1995; Departmental Appointments andPromotions Committee, 1989-93, since.1995; Faculty Moot-court Organization Committee, 1991-92; 1995-97; Chairman, Committee forthe preparation ofthe Intensive Judicial Course forAminu SchoolofIslamioUgal Studies,Muhammad Wase Polytechnic, Kano, 1987; Participant Television Discission onRuleof Uw under the Military Rule, CTV, Kano, 1985; mem. Planning and Implementation Committee, Establishment ofAl-HikmahUniversity, Ilorin, 2005;mem,Planning and Implementation Committee for the Establishment ofCrescent University, Abeokuta, 2005; Planning and Implementation Comrmttec^ Establishment of Fountain University, Osogbo, 2007; one ofthe Guest Speakers, "Muslim Lawyers andthe Contemporary Ugal System in Nigeria", Nigerian Law School,Ugos, 1994;Chairman/Member, AccreditationPanel,.Faculty of law,Ahmadu BelloUniversity.Zaria;UsmanDanFodioUniversity,Sokoto; Bayero Unievrsity, Kano; Igbinedion University, Okada,200546; National UniversityCommission Accreditation Panels, Faculty ofUw,AdekunIeAjasin University, Akungba, 2007including Uw Diploma Program (nSeveral, Polytechnics; mm: Nigeria Association of Islamic Uw Teachers; Nigeria Association ofUw Teachers: publ:Author, AnOutline bf Islamic Uw of Tort,I.I.C,Ugos, 1990;Principles ofIslamicUw ofContract, I.I.C, Ugos, 1991; Willayat al-ijbar(i.e. Coercive Guardianship) in Islamic marriage, IIC, Ugos, 1992;andabouttwelve otherbooks,8chaptersinbooks,andabout30 articles in reputable journals; off: Faculty of Uw, Ugos StateUniversity, Ojo, Lagos; e-m: [email protected].
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