AHMAD Mallam Fatika

M.P. FEDERAL PARLIAMENTARY SECRETARY MallamAhmadu Fatika was born to Mallam Yahaya the Makaman Fatika in the old Zaria Province in 1922. Between 1930 and 1933, he wentto GiwaElementary SchoolandZariaMiddle Schoolfrom 1933 to 1939. He was also in the Kano Veterinary Schoolfor Preliminary Professionaltraining in 1939 andfurther training in the Veterinary School, Vom from 1945 to 1946. Mallam Ahmadu attended the Local Government Transition Programmeof theInstitute ofAdministration, Zariain 1957andthe British SummerSchoolin 1958. Armed with the requisite qualification in the field of Veterinary Medicine, he started work as Senior VeterinaryAssistant in the Northern Nigeria Governmentfrom 1953 to 1958 and becameAssistant Supervisorof theZariaNA. Departmentin 1958 duringwhich timehe wasalso theZariaBranchPresidentoftheKS.PC'A. Mallam Ahmadu Fatika ventured intopolitics early in his career but made his mark in 1959 when he was elertedinto the FederalParliament under the banner of NPC. He was later appointed Parliamentary Secretary and servedwith some FederalMinistries before the brutalcoup of 1966, which terminatedthegovernmentandlives of some nobleNigerians. Afterthe coup andwith his experience andexposure, he wasan assetto hispeople ashe was calledupon to serve asamemberof the Zavgau Emirate Councilfrom 1967 1976. In 1976,following the inauguration of the reformed LocalGovernmentsystem in the country, he became thefirst Chairman of the Zaria LocalGovernmentandservedwith humility andhonesty till 1980. Itwas here thatAlhajiAhmadu Fatika wrote his name in the 'Honesty"records as in the true spirit of valour, honesty anddedication to duty, he incurredthe ire of the unscrupulouspeople in the societyfor returningunspentlocalgovernmentfunds togovernment. They wouldratherhe spentthe money on spuriousprojects. This valour, endeared him to the no nonsense Buhari administration who appointed him the Kaduna State Chairman of theirpet crusade WAIin1985. The valiantofficerdiedafterhe hadastroke on the 2(fofAugust 1997atthe age of 75years
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