GANA, Alhaji Abba Jiddun

Biography Entry: MFR NORTFI'S AGENT GENERAL TO THE UNITED KINGDOM CHAIRMAN, GASKIYA CORPORATION AlhajiAbbaJiddun Gana was bom in bis home town Shettimarin in the Bornoprovince inJanuary 1922 to ShettimaMohammedMuske the then VillageHeadof Shettimarin. Hestartedhis educationjirslin theQur'anicSchool in 1926 beforegoing to the Benisheik Primary Schoolfrom 1929-1933. Healso attendedthe Borno Middle Schoolfrom 1933-1940 and the Kaduna Colkge between 1940-1943. Much later he attended the London University Summer Schoolin 1951 and the University College, Ibadan Extra MuralStudiesfrom 1951-1953. Hejoinedthe CivilService asaProof Readerforthe GovernmentPress in Kaduna between 1943-1948 with the advantage of hisfluency in Hausa, English andArabic. In 1948 he becameAssistantPublicity Officerwith the Public Relations Department. In 1950 he became the North Regional Organising Secretary of Extra Mural Service of the University of Ibadan. AlhajiAbba Jiddun Gana continuedwork asaPublicistwith the Information Office Kaduna as the Region's PublicRelations Officer in 1953. AlhajiAbbaJiddun Gana was notapolitician buthe usedhisposition as the Governmentmouthpiece to effect decisions using the same connection. It wasAbbaJiddun Gana whoprovidentiallygot the Northern Governor through Captain Money to allow the Sardauna access to election into We Northern House of Astembly. This singularaction was toprove beneficialandimportantto the overalldevelopmentof NorthernNigeria in theyears between 1950 and 1960. It was alsoAbbajiddun Gana who as early as 1956 spearheadedthe campaignforself determinationforthe Bornopeople when as theLeaderof the Borno State Union (BSU)pressed foradifferentState of Borno since accordingto himBorno was thefirstpolity in thefederation. He waspostedto London as theNorth RegionalAgent Generalto UK. He returned to the country in 1961 to assume responsibility as the Executive Chairman of the North owned Gaskiya Corporation, publishers of Booksandotherinstructionalmaterials by Northerners. He servedin this capacity untillate 1966when he was namedthe PrincipalInformation Officer. He servedas the Chairman of the NewNigerian Newspaperfrom 1964- 1965. Laterin life he also servedas Directorof DailyTimes of Nigeria in 1971. In response to hispeople's invitation he went to the 1977/78 ConstitutionalAssembly representing Demboa/Kaga LocalGovernmentArea. He was awarded the National honor of Member of the Federal Republic (MFR) in 1964 and retired to Maiduguri in 1968 after the creation of States. His last officialservice was as the Chairman, Boardof Directors of theN.N.NLtd. He died on the 27thMay1991.
Gender: Male
Name of Spouse
Father's Name
Mother's Name
Profession Civil Servant
Working Experience
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