


SECRETARYTO THE GOVERNMENT OF THE FEDERATION 1989-1993 He was bom in Kafanchan injema'a Emirate on the 23rdofJanuary 1937. He enrolkdatthe Zangon Kataf Ekmentary Schoolfrom 1947- 1950 where he showedan earlypromise. He went to Zaria Middk School inJanuary 1951 andinJanuary 1952passed the entrance examination andwas admittedinto theprestigiousBarewa Colkge. His careeras aCivilServantstartedimmediately hefinished his seconday education inJanuary 1958 when the then Emirof ZaszauMallamJa'afaru encouragedhim tojoin the ZariaNativeAuthority as Treasurer/Accountantin training. In 1959 he applied andjoined the Regional Governmentfrom there, he was sentfor the intensive Intermediate Executive Officers course at the Institutefor Administration ABU Zaria, after which Aliyu Mohammed was again nominatedin the sameyear 1961, to attendthe advancedAdministrative Service Training in theABU. Afterthe course he was appointedto the administrative classasanAssistantDistria Officer (ADO) in Sept, 1962. Hisfirstassignment was in Kano Province where he assisted the Commissionerinvestigating the affairs of the KanoNAandafterthathe was postedto take charge of the Treasury, the largest in theNorth. In Oaober 1964 he was transferredto Gboko asaDO to take charge of the Treasury in addition to theDO s duties. HearrivedGboko in the thick of the Tivcrises. He won the confidence of the warringfactions by rightingthewrong and the injustice and curbing the excess of the Police Task Force sent to tbe area to maintainpeace, law and order. He receivedthe titk of Zegemuk-U- Tivforhisrok in bringingthe crises to an end He waspostedto Kaduna andassignedto the RegionalMinistry of Trade underAlhaji Ibrahim Dasuki the then PermanentSecretary, in 1966 From there he movedto theMinistry ofFinancewherehetrainedin Budgeting. When States where created, Alhaji Aliyu Mohammed was thefirst Officer appointed to represent the North CentralState in the ICSA, preparing budget estimates, sharing assets as well as sorting out andposting staff that were deployed Later, he went back to theMinistry of Finance as PrincipalSecretary and Undersecretary in the Governor's office. Early in 1969 he went to the Calton Institute, University of Canadaforfurther studies in Administration of Finance, On his return in 1970, he went back to hispost as Under Secretay, Governor's office before he was appointed same year asSecretay of the Northern States Marketing Board, Kano. In 1973 he returnedto Kaduna onLoanasExecutiveSecretayFederalSuperphosphateFertiliserCompany and m1975, he returned to the State Government as Permanent Secretay, Ministry of Economic and Rural Development. He served there until 1977 when he was again drafted to Federal CivilService as thefirst Direaor of Immigration. Thisposition was reservedfor Officers withpracticaladministrative and managerialexperience together with ahigher degree of integrity. Aliyu Mohammed was the man. In 1979, he was appointed Federal Permanent Secretayin theFederalMinistryof Transport 1991 hemovedto the FederalMinistryof theFederalCapitalTerritory, Abuja, 1984 Ministry of Education later Cabinet Office, 1985Ministry of Petrokum andEnergy andlaterMines, PowerandSteel, 1985Ministry ofFinance. Hewasthere tillDecember 1989when he wasappointedto theapexposition of Secretaryto the Governmentof the Federation. He held that office till 1993 when that Governmentgave way to an Interim National Government. Earlierin 1991,AlhajiAliyuMohammedhadbeen turbannedthe WasirinJama'a in colourfulceremony thatfeatured the Who is Who inNigeria. Hediedin 1997inaghastlymotoraccidentakngGboko-MakurdiRoad "...We shall notforget ouryoung men and women in training overseas. Although thej will not be with us, We shall most certainly be thinking of the,. For the, in theyears to come, will we relyfor the successful attainment of our next objective. That objective I can see clearly before me now. Itis to secure and improve the health, prosperity and happiness of all our people without discrimination on grounds of tribe or creed;and finally, to establish our country in aposition where it will be a model ofprogress, goodwill, toleration andfreedom, not only to Africa, but to the whole world." The Sardauna SirAhmadu Bello 15th May, 1959
Gender: Male
Name of Spouse
Father's Name
Mother's Name
Profession Civil Servant , Public Servant
Working Experience
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