DANTATA, Alhaji Aminu




CHAIRMAN DANTATA GROUP OF COMPANIES He was bom in Kano to thegreatpatriarch Alhassan Dantata on the if of May 1931. After the mandatoyQur'anic Education, he wentto the DalaPrimay Schoolfrom 1938 to 1945andDantata SchoolKano, from 1945to 1950. Having been bom into an establishedtradingfamily with atraditionfor commercialservices, Aminujoinedup, became a Produce Buyerforthefamilyfirm -Alhassan Dantata andSonsUmitedfrom 1952 till 1955 when he became aDireaor andDistriaManagerin charge of Sokoto Province. In 1959, up the ladderof thefamily business, he became theAssistant ManagingDireaorandayearlater, Chairman andManagingDireaorof the richestprivate companyinNorthernNigeria then-Dantata and Sons Umited Outside trading which has become routine, Aminu Dantata, was amember of the Northern Peopks CongressNPCunderwhich he won ekction into theNorthern House ofAssemblyin 1961 andremained there until the militay coup of 1966 which sacked thegovernment. He was ako on the team of the Nigeria Economic Mission, which toured most countries of the worldin 1961. Back home, he was on the team of Nigerians that startedthe Nigerian IndustrialDevelopmentBankNIDB ofwhich he becameaDireaorbetween 1962 and 1966. When States werefirst created, AlhajiAminu Dantata was one of theftrstcrop of Commissioners in the newKano State. He wasfirst CommissionerforplanningandDevekpment 1967 to 1970 andPlanning, Trade andIndustry 1970 to 1973 when he voluntarily resigned to be abk to give more time to thefamily business, which was increasingly assuminggreater internationaldimension. Today, AlhajiAminu Dantata, an Officer ofthe Orderofthe FederalRepublic OFRsits at the head of adiversified business conglomerate with investments in almost all commercial and industrialinterests in the major capitals of the world.
Gender: N/A
Marital Status
  • Single
Name of Spouse
Father's Name
Father's Status N/A
Mother's Name
Mother's Status N/A
Profession Industrialist
Working Experience
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