HONG, Alhaji Haliru Dzarma




PARLIAMENTARY SECRETARY. He was bom in 1937 in Hong andstartedformalschooling there, sevenyears laterin theprimary schoolHong where he was till 1948. Between 1948 and 1952 he wentto theMiddk SchoolYolaandlaterobtainedGradesinandU certificatesfrom the Katsina Teacher Training Colkge where he wasfrom 1952-1957. Much laterAlhaji Haliru DZarma Hong obtained acertificate inpublic administrationfrom the Carkton University Canada in 1966 anda DipkmainEducationAdministrationfromtheAhmaduBelk UniversityZariain 1971172academicyear. Likemostof hiscontemporaries, hestartedwork andremaineda.teacherandheadmasterfrom 1955till 1968. He served in various schook under the Adamawa NA But asfull time employment was not any hindrance to participation inpolitics hejoinedthe rulingNPCandwas ekaedin 1961 into the Northern House of Assemblyfrom where he was appointed Parliamentary Secretary and servedfrom 1961 to 1966 when the government was brutally overthrown. Almostimmediately afterthe coup, theAdamawa Education Authority was happy to have htm back and this time heservedasSchook Officerfrom 1966to 1968 beforejoiningtheAdamawaEmirate Councilfrom 1968 till 1976. Onceagain he wastaken back to hisfirstkve-Education in 1976 when he wasoppointedEducationSecretaryandserved in Gombi, Bali, ZingandMayo-Belwa Localgovernments between 1976 and 1980. AlhajiHaliru DZarma Hong-the old "workforce" transferredhis services to the Gongola State Government andserved as PrincipalAssistantSecretary from 1980 to 1983 when hefinally retired Buthis wealth of experience again attraaedHongLocalGovernmentwhich appointed him Councilkrfrom 1986 to 1989 andtilldate has continuedto serve the LocalGovernmentas Chairman, Hong Local Government Education Committee and ako Chairman, Adamawa Devekpment Association, Hong Branch.
Gender: N/A
Name of Spouse
Father's Name
Mother's Name
Profession Politician
Working Experience
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