ARGUNGU, Alh Ibrahim

OFR PARLIAMENTARY SECRETARY,LATER PERMANENT SECRETARY Alhaji IbrahimArgungu was born in Argungu, his home town in 1922. He attended Sokoto Middle School from 1935to 1939andthefamousBarewa Collegefrom 1939to 1942. LikemostNortherners, hehadpreparedearlyin life to be of outmost service to the Northern Region. He therefore started his working life in the spirit of adevoted Northerner. Hestartedhis workingcareerin the SokotoNAasaScribeandChief Clerk in the CentralOfficeandlater become aSeniorAccountants in theTreasuryfrom 1942 to 1946,from Sokoto, he went to the Argungu NA. asthe Treasurerfrom 1947to 1955. Itwas alsofrom thisposition thathe became theMagajin GarinArgungu and Councilor with portfolio. He moved to the centre stage of activities in 1955 in Kaduna when he was appointed Parliamentary Secretary in theNorth Ministry of Works he was saddledwith the responsibility of running the affairs of the Northern RegionalDevelopment Corporation -NRDCas thefirstIndigene Secretary in 1956. He was in thisposition till 1959 when he was appointedthe Chief Executive Officer of the Gaskiya Corporation thatyear. Nowatested CivilServant with considerablefocus, heprovedhis mantle in the corporation by strenghteningandimproving itsposition. He was there till 1961 when he wasgiven anotherchallenge this time as the secretary of theNorthern Public Service Commission. He took thischallengeseriously andperformedexcellently till 1962. With hisstaturein the rise andconfidencegrowing by the dayAlhaji IbrahimArgungu was madeResident laterProvincialSecretary ofKatsinafrom 1962 to 1963andinthe sameyearwasappointedPerynanentSecretaryintheNorthernMinistryofEstablishment.Hewasmo of LocalGovernmentin 1965;LandandSurvey in 1967and remainedthere tillthe creation of Sites. Afterthefirst creation of sites, he was appointed the North Western State Commissionerfor Financefrom 1968 to 1974. Outside publicservice, AlhajiIbrahimArgungu's work was appreciatedas completegentleman andaman of honourandintegrity as he was appointedaJustice of the Peace as early as 1963. Alhaji IbrahimArgungu who had earlieron been conferred with the title Magajin Garin Argungu also served in the 1977 to 1978 ConstituentAssembly. He died in 1984.
Gender: Male
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Father's Name
Mother's Name
Profession Politician
Working Experience
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