AHMED, Alh Isma’ila

MHA,OFR, DALLATUN ZAZZAU, PROVINCIAL COMMISSIONER, SOKOTO AlhajiIsma'ila was bom inApril1919 in Zaria City of the oldZariaprovince. Hedidhis basicschooling isZaria - Zaria Elementary SchoolandZaria Middle School. When itwas timeforaProfessionalCourse of study, he moved to Kano, to the Schoolof Hygiene. Eaterinlife, he was to attendseveralothercourses atthe Institute ofAdministration Zaria and the British CouncilSummer Course in the United Kingdom. Alhaji Isma'ila started hisworking careerasa Sanitary Inspector and rose to be Wakilin Tsafta, Sarkin Tsafta that isHeadof Health Department of Zaria NativeAuthority before he was turbaned Dallatun Zasgau - a Councillor in the Emirate Council in charge of Works. On thepoliticalfront, the Dallatun Za^auprovedto bearealguru. Herose to become the Vice Chairman oftheNPCin Zariaprovince. In 1961, asakind of testto hispopularity, he contestedand won election into Northern House ofAssembly representing Zaria. Thispavedthe way for his appointmentto the emergentPowerBloc ofProvincialAdministrators. As an experienced bureaucratandconfidantof the Premier, he was appointedProvincialCommissionerforSokotoprovince. As with other commissioners, his role in the third majorcomponentoftheNorthernpoliticalleadership was coordinatingprovincialprojectsandharnessing responsibilities. Outsidepolities, Alhaji Isama'ilaAhmedwas akeen sportsman. He was Vice Chairman Northern Sports Association and Presidentof the Zaria Football Association. As ProvincialCommissionerin charge ofSokoto, he raised the Sokoto Eleven from the lowly position it occupied to the 2* best team in Northern Nigeria. This humane character who was never known to refuse the needy, was among the recipients of the OFR -Officer of the Federal Republic. He diedin his home in Zaria on the 4 ofNov. 1981.He was untilhis death, Chairman, Federal Savings Bank.
Gender: Male
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Mother's Name
Profession Politician
Working Experience
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