HEAD OF SERVICE OF THE FEDERATION Hewasbomonthe if ofApril, 1952 in Shira town inBauchiState. Heattendedthe shiraPrimay Schoolfrom 1960 to 1966, G.S.S. Asareri 1967 to 1971, School of Basic Studies, ABU Zaria, 1972 to 1973, Ahmadu Belk University, Zaria 1973 to 1974 (BSc) Masters 1980. Hestartedwork with the Bauchi State GovernmentasAssistant Secretay in the State'sMinisty of Finance in 1977. This was after serving (NYSC) as Vice Principal of the Community Seconday School, Makudi, Benue State in 1976/77. In the Bauchi CivilService, he rose through the ranks to become acting PermanentSecretay andservedin the Ministries of Rural Devekpment and Cooperatives, Finance and Economic Planning and lastly Finance all between 1986 and 1985. He transferred to the Federal Service in 1986 and under the FederalMinisty of InternalAffairs, servedas Secretay Customs, Immigration andPrisons Board 1986 to 1988; Direaorof Finance andSuppliersJ988; DireaorGeneral1994 andPermanentSecretary 1997. Hewaspostedto the FederalMinisty ofEducation in the same capacity in 1998from wherehe wasappointedHeadof Service oftheFederation in December2000. Alhaji Mahmud Yqyak Ahmed, who is afelkw of the Nigerian Institute of Quantity Surveyors (2002), Nigerian Institute of InternationalAffairs (2003) andNigerian Institute of Management (2003) ako holds honoray doaorate deg-eesfrom the Abuja University 2001, Bayero University, KanoJanuay, 2004 and University of Benin, Oaober 2003. The FederalGovemmentcompktedthe honourin December2001 with theawardofthe Commanderofthe Order of theFederalRepublic. CFK
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- Single
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Civil Servant
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