GUJUAWU, Alhaji Muhammed

NORTHERN PERMANENT SECRETARY FIRST COOPERATIVES OFFICER. He was born in 1921 in Maiduguri of the oldBornoprovince andstartededucation in theQuarnicSchoolin Yerwafrom 1924 to 1930 where he wentto theMaiduguriPrimary Schoolfrom 1930 to 1933. He then wentto Borno Middle Schoolfrom 1933 to 1938 andKaduna Collegefrom 1938 to 1941He trainedprofessionallyasaAgriculturist at the SamaruAgriculturalColkgefrom 1941 to 1943from where he obtaineda diploma in Agriculturewithbiasfor AnimalHusbandry, Veterinary Science, AgriculturalChemistry andBiology. Afterschoolitwas c^rwhere he would work He statedhis career in BornoNA as an Agriculturalassistant in trainingfrom 1943 to 1944 and ended his career in Agriculture only to startanew one in Cooperatives. He was sent to do aDiploma course ^Co^mUmm Ibadan andreturnedto Zaria afterthe completion of the course in 1945 as Cooperative Inspeaorgrade III responsible forNorthemRegionofNigeriaexceptKano,whichhadaseParateInspeaor.Hema the man responsiblefirthe introduction of the ThriftandLoan Societies, Cooperativesfor CreditandMarketing and Production Cooperatives all cateringfor differentprofessionals. In 1950 Alhaji Muhammed Gujbawu went to the MidlanasU.KforfuriherstudiesinCooperativesandSotialStudiesbecomingtheftrstNo^^ tohispost in 1951 as CooperativeInspeaor. When ministries were createdin 1952, he was transferredto the ministry ofCommerceandlndustriesfromwherehewassentonafurtherthree-monthtiainingm^^ was movedto Kano in whatwasakin topromotion andcoveredthe whole of NorthemRegion. Again he madehismark TrainingAdvisingandUauringlocalBusinessmen on Bankingideas, Insurance, ImportandExportandAccounting. In 1954 he was transferredto theMinistry of Cooperativesfrom where he wenton afour- month coursemEastAfrica organized by the Colonial Office. When he returned he wasposted to Maiduguri as SeniorAssistant Registrar of Cooperatives. In 1956, he was in Zaria in the same capacity with additional responsibility as Principal of the AvriculturalTrainingSchool, Institute ofAdministration Zaria.In 1959, hewastransferredagaintoKabbaasSenior Cooperatives Inspeaor. In 1960, he was transferred to Kano on promotion as Principal Assistant Registrar of Cooperatives. In 1961, he was transferredto Kaduna to work underthe Registrar. He reachedthepinnacle of the civil service in August 1962 when he waspromotedPermanent Secretary andservedfirst in theMinistry of Cooperatives until 1965; then InternalAffairs till 1967. After the creation of states he was appointed the Northeastern State CommissionerforWorksandMemberof the Executive Council.
Gender: Male
Name of Spouse
Father's Name
Mother's Name
Profession Civil Servant
Working Experience
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