GEZAWA, Alhaji Sani

PARLIAMENTARY SECRETARY PRIME MINISTER'S OFFICE AlhajiSaniGe^awa was born in1926inGe^awa of the oldKanoprovince anddidQuranicschoolathome. HeattendedGe^awa ElementaryPrimary Schoolfrom 1935 to 1939; Kano Middle Schoolfrom 1940 to 1945;Bauchl Teachers Collegefrom 1945 to 1947; Katsina Training College 1950 to 1957; Cambridge University 1958 and Oxfordin 1961. Alhaji Sani Started his working life asa classroom Teacher in various areas of Kanofrom 1947to 1950 and on promotion inKano Middle School between 1952 and 1953. Again on promotion, he was thefirstHeadmaster of Gwar^o SeniorPrimary Schoolfrom 1954to1957and'Senior VisitingTeacherNA.,from 1957to1962. When hejoinedthefullpoliticalclass inthe latefifties he hadhis eyes on the FederalLegislature to which he wentin 1959 after winning election thatyear under the Northern Peoples Congress. It was between 1963and 1965that he servedas FederalParliamentary Secretary inthe office of the PremierMinister. Back home inKano, he also servedasChief Scribe andCouncilorforEducation andHealth intheNA^ in 1963.After the coup of 1966andcreation of states in1967AlhajiSaniGe^awa was among thefirstset of CommissionersinKano State serving in the Ministries of Health andSocial Welfare 1967 to 1972,Home Affairs andInformation 1972 to 1973andTrade andIndustry 1973 to 1975. Atthefederal level, he servedNigeria as Chairman, NationalElectric PowerAuthority (NEPA)from 1979 to 1983 after which he retired toface hisprivate commitments. The tireless Nigerian died on the 21" ofDecember 1988.
Gender: Male
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Mother's Name
Profession Politician
Working Experience
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