EBIE, Chris




BA, broadcaster, cinematographer, television producer; b: January 24, 1944; m: Elizabeth Anore, 1973; nc:two s, two d; ed: Central School, Onitsha, 1950-57; St. Augustine Grammar School, Nkwere, Abia State, 1958-62; Columbia College, Los Angeles, USA, 1979-82; Thomson Broadcasting System, 1999. cr: asst. Film Editor, Nigerian Television, 1967-72; asst. Producer, 1972-74; Producer, 1974-76; ag. Operations Manager, programme Planning Section; Operations Manager, 1976; ag. Head, Youth and Children Section, 1977-78; Head, Youth and Children Section, 1978-82; Controller. Programmes, 1983-86; Manager, Programmes, Directorate of National Production, 1987; Manager, Nigerian Television Authority 2, Channel 5, 1988-95; ag. asst. dir: Programmes, 1995-97; asst. dir. Programmes, Nigerian Television Authority, since 1997; ch: Channel 10 Committee; Nigerian Television Authority Light Entertainment Festival; chairman. Production Review Committee on Script, Channel 10; mm: Programme Acquisition; Nigerian Institute of Management; Nigerian Guild of Television Producers/dir Society of Nigerian Broadcasters; sc: Rotary Club of Festac; hob: photography, lawn tennis, walking, observing people; off: Nigerian Television Authority, Ahmadu Bello Way, Victoria Island, Ugos. tel: 01-612842.
Gender: Male
Marital Status
  • Single
Name of Spouse
Father's Name
Father's Status N/A
Mother's Name
Mother's Status N/A
Profession Broadcaster , Cinematographer , Television producer
Working Experience
Last Update

“Please send your updated CV to: [email protected]” – Editor

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