DAN FODIO ,Sheikh Usman

Sheikh Usman Dan Fodio, a man of very deep religious conviction was born into the Toronkawa stock of the Fulani tribe in 1754. The Toronke Fulani, urbanised, scholarly and aristocratic, had showed considerable administrative ability from the 15th century and have held positions of eminence in the various empiresof thatperiod in the Western Sudan. Usman son of Fodiyo was born in Degel andgrew up to bea man of exceptional %eal and learning. Born ata time when thepseudo Moslem rulers of Hausa landpractised religion with little or no regardfor detail, theyoung man grew up to the stark realities of the numerous abuses and anomalies that existed in the political, religious, and social life of thepeople and like the true Fulani manof the Toronkawa stock, he swore to eradicate those anomalies. Shehu was agifted and magnetic leader and in no time, gathered many followers who saw with him the need to correct the despicable ways of the rulersof that time, who only professed Islam, butfailed to do away with their oldpagan beliefs and practices. When he first mentioned his intentions to the Kingof Gobir he was severely rebuked. This was the momentforJihad or Holy war at the beginning of which, his followers declared Usman, the spiritual leaderAmirul Muminin Commander of the Faithful. By 1810 Usman Dan Fodio'sjihad was virtually complete and he had become the acknowledged leader of about five million people and over 100,000 square miles of territory. It was then that he set about the organisation and administration of this vast domain with his introduction ofa machineryforgovernment. After that, he retiredfrom active service leaving the administration in the able hands of his brother Abdullahi andhis son Muhammadu Bello. Shehu Usman Dan Fodio died in 1817 after an austere life of simpple habits, modelled on the precepts of the Holy Qur'an.
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