MB, BS; MD; DSc;
Loliya Kathryn Harrison
William Soberenimiboofori Harrison
Emeritus Professor of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University of Port Harcourt, Rivers State, July 1999 - till date.
– House physician, University College Hospital, London. UK, Oct 1958 – May 1959;
– House surgeon, Ipswich and East Suffolk Hospital, Ipswich. UK, Jun 1959 – Dec 1959;
– House surgeon, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University College Hospital, Ibadan, Jan 1960 – Dec 1960;
– Registrar in Clinical Pathology, University College Hospital, Ibadan, Jun 1961 – Dec 1961;
– Senior House Officer/Registrar ,University College Hospital, Ibadan, Jan 1962 – Dec 1962;
– Unit Assistant, University College Hospital, London, Jan 1963 – Dec 1963;
– Senior Registrar, University College Hospital, Ibadan, Jul 1964 – Jan 1967;
– Consultant in Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University College Hospital, Ibadan, (first at Lecturer and later at Senior Lecturer level), Feb 1967 – Sep 1972;
– Professor, University of Ibadan, Oct 1972 – Dec 1972;
– Professor, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Dec 1972 – Sep 1981;
– Professor of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University of Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Sep 1981 – July 1998 (statutory retirement June 1998);
– Vice Chancellor, University of Port Harcourt, Rivers State.
– Research Assistant, Medical Research Council of Great Britain (MRC) Unit Obstetrics and Gynaecology, St.Mary’s Hospital, London. UK, Jan 1964 – Jun 1964;
– Research Fellow, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University of Ibadan, Jul 1964 – Feb 1967;
– Visiting Scientist, MRC Reproduction and Growth Unit, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK, Oct 1971 – Jul 1972;
Visiting Scientist, Department of Medical Statistics, Welsh National School of Medicine, Cardiff, Wales, UK, Oct 1979 – Dec 1980;
Visiting Scientist, Division of Computing and Statistics, MRC Clinical Research Centre, Harrow, UK, Feb 1984 – Nov 1984.
– (1974 – 1987): The degrees of MB, BS at various Nigerian universities, and at Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia;
– (1973 – 1987): Fellowship of the Medical Council of Nigeria;
– (1979): Membership of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecology;
– (1986 – 1988): The postgraduate diploma in obstetrics and gynaecology, University of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia;
– (1999): The degree of PhD at Uppsala University and at Karolinska Institute both in Sweden.
– (Mar 1980 – May 1980): WHO Visiting Scientist, Finnish National Board of Health;
– (Oct 1979 – Dec 1980): Visiting Professor, Welsh National School of Medicine, Cardiff;
– (Feb 1984 – Nov 1984): Visiting scientist, MRC Clinical Research Centre, Harrow;
– (Nov 1988): Senior visiting scientist, Department of obstetrics and gynaecology, St. George’s Hospital Medical School, London;
– (Mar 1993 – Dec 1993): Visiting professor in obstetrics and gynaecology, University of Liverpool, UK.
– (1970): Roche Travelling Fellowship Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists;
– (Jan 1964 – Jun 1964): University of Ibadan Study Fellowship to the Medical Research Council unit, St. Mary’s Hospital, London;
– (Oct 1971 – Aug 1972): University of Ibadan Study Fellowship to the Medical Research Council unit, Newcastle- upon-Tyne, UK;
– (May 1988 – May 1989): Thomas Eden Fellowship, Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists.
– Member, Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, 1964;
– Fellow, Nigerian Medical Council in Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 1971;
– Fellow, Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, 1973;
– Fellow, West African College of Surgeons, 1973;
– Fellow, Nigerian Academy of Science, 1988.
– Nigerian National Order of Merit, 1989;
– National Task Force on Vesico-Vaginal Fistula “VVF”, 1990;
– Honorary Rotarian for the year 1996/97: Rotary Club of Port Harcourt (Renewed for 1997/98).
– Kelsey Harrison Hospital. The Government of Rivers State named its newest hospital sited at Diobu area of Port Harcourt, after himself, 2009;
– Nigerian Universities’ Distinguished Professor in the discipline of Medicine, 2011;
– Nigerian Centenary Honours Award, 2014;
PUBLICATIONS 1966 – 2018
1. Harrison KA (1966)
Blood volume in Nigerian women.
West African Medical Journal 15, 142-146.
2. Harrison KA (1966)
Blood volume changes in healthy pregnant Nigerian women.
Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology of the British Commonwealth,73, 717-723.
3. Harrison KA, and Lister UG (1966)
Successful pregnancy in a patient with adrenogenital syndrome.
Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology of the British Commonwealth, 73, 493-495.
4. Harrison KA and Lawson JB (1966).
Ethacrynic acid in blood transfusion.
Lancet 288, 905-906. (Letter).
5. Harrison KA (1967).
Blood volume changes in severe anaemia in pregnancy.
Lancet 289, 20-25.
6. Harrison KA (1968).
The haematocrit ratio in severe anaemia in pregnancy.
Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology of the British Commonwealth, 75, 125-132.
7. Harrison KA (1968)
Ethacrynic acid in blood transfusion: its effects on plasma volume and urine flow in severe anaemia in pregnancy.
British Medical Journal, 4, 84-86.
8. Harrison KA (1969).
Changes in blood volume produced by treatment of severe anaemia in pregnancy.
Clinical Science, 36, 197-207.
9. Harrison KA (1969)
Blood volume in severe anaemia in pregnancy.
Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Medicine of University of London.
10. Harrison KA (1969)
On salvaging the moribund and anaemic.
Proceedings of the international seminar on maternal mortality, family planning and biology of reproduction. Bombay, India.
Federation of obstetric and gynaecological societies of India.
Bombay, India, Karnatak Orion Press. Pp 37-44.
11. Harrison KA (1969)
Blood transfusion in severe anaemia in pregnancy.
Proceedings of the international seminar on maternal mortality, family planning and biology of reproduction.
Bombay, India.
Federation of obstetric and gynaecological societies of India.
Bombay, India., Karnatak Orion Press. Pp 67-70.
12. Harrison KA (1969)
Blood volume in normal pregnancy and in severe anaemia.
Proceedings of the international seminar on maternal mortality, family planning and biology of reproduction.
Bombay, India.
Federation of obstetric and gynaecological societies of India..
Bombay, India, Karnatak Orion Press. Pp 151-156.
13. Harrison KA (1970)
Observations on major circulatory problems in severe anaemia in pregnancy.
International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 8, 367-373.
14. Harrison KA , Ajabor LN, Lawson JB (1971).
Ethacrynic acid and direct packed blood cell transfusion in treatment of severe anaemia in pregnancy.
Lancet 297, 11-14.
15. Hendrickse JPdeV, Harrison KA, Watson-Williams EJ, Luzzatto L, Ajabor LN (1972)
Pregnancy in homozygous sickle cell anaemia.
Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology of the British Commonwealth, 79, 396-409.
16. Hendrickse JPdeV, Harrison KA, Watson-Williams EJ, Luzzatto L, Ajabor LN (1972)
Pregnancy in abnormal haemoglobins CC, S-Thalassaemia, SF, CF, and double heterozygotes.
Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology of the British Commonwealth,79, 410-415.
17. Harrison KA, Ibeziako PA (1973)
Maternal anaemia and fetal birth weight.
Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology of the British Commonwealth, 80, 778-804.
18. Harrison KA (1974).
Malaria transmission and fetal growth.
British Medical Journal, 4, 229 (letter).
19. Harrison KA (1974)
Obstetrics and gynaecology as practised in Nigeria.
Contemporary Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 4, 33-35.
20. Harrison KA (1975)
Maternal mortality in anaemia in pregnancy.
West African Medical Journal, 23, 27-31.
21. Harrison KA (1975)
Sickle cell disease in pregnancy
Tropical doctor 4, 74-80.
22. Harrison KA (1976)
The pregnant patient
In: Parry EHO (ed). Principles of Medicine in Africa.
Oxford, Oxford University Press, pp 516-523.
23. Harrison KA (1978)
Birth-weight in relation to anaemia.
In: Sterky G and Mellander L (eds).
Birth-weight distributions – an indicator of social development.
Stockholm. Swedish Agency for Research Co-operation with Developing Countries, pp 2: 18.
24. Harrison K.A.(1978)
Childbearing in Zaria.
Public (Inaugural) lecture at Ahmadu Bello University. Zaria. Nigeria. Delivered on 20 March 1978.
25. Harrison KA (1979)
Approaches to reducing maternal mortality in Africa.
In: Philpott RH (ed). Maternity services in the developing world – what the community needs.
Proceedings of the 7th study group of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
London. pp 52-69, 91, 94.
26. Ekwempu CC, Harrison KA (1979)
Endometriosis among Hausa-Fulani population of Nigeria.
Tropical and Geographical Medicine 31, 201-205.
27. Harrison KA (1979)
Better perinatal health. Nigeria.
Lancet, 314, 1229-1232.
28. Harrison KA (1980)
Traditional birth attendants.
Lancet, 316, 43-44 (letter).
29. Harrison KA (1980).
Maternal mortality in Zaria, Nigeria
In: Obstetrics and gynaecology in developing countries.
Proceedings of an international conference of the Society of Gynaecology and Obstetrics of Nigeria, Ibadan, October 1977. Broderna Ekstrands. Trycheri, Lund. Pp 341-344.
30. Mabogunje OA, Nirodi NS, Harrison KA, Edington GM (1980)
Teratomas in adult Nigerians.
African Journal of Medical Science 9, 151-158.
31. Harrison K.A.(1980)
A report on study tour of Finland’s maternal health care and educational institutions
March – May 1980
Sponsored by World Health Organisation Geneva
32. Editorial (1981) Obstetric fistula.
Lancet, 317, 1402-1403.
33. Harrison KA (1981)
Sickle cell disease in pregnancy.
In: Fleming A (ed). Handbook of Sickle Cell Disease.
London, Churchill, pp 90-99.
34. Harrison KA (1982)
Anaemia, malaria and sickle cell disease.
Clinics in Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 9, 445-477.
35. Mabogunje AO, Lawrie JH, Harrison KA, Edington GM.
Surgical experience with Teratomas in Zaria, Nigeria.
Ed. Solanke TF, Osunkoya BO, Williams CKO, Agboola OO.
Cancer in Nigeria. Ibadan University Press Publishing House 1982 pages 187-193.
36. Editorial (1983) Why retrain traditional birth attendants?
Lancet, 321, 223-224.
37. Harrison K.A.(1983)
Commentary. Obstetric fistula: one social calamity too many.
British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 90, 385-386.
38. Harrison K.A. (1983)
Lessons from a Survey of 23,000 Births
Paul Hendrickse Memorial Lecture at University of Ibadan 1983
39. Fleming AF, Harrison KA, Briggs ND, Attai EDC, Ghataoura GBS, Akintunde EA, Shah N. (1984).
Anaemia in young primigravidae in the guinea savannah of Nigeria: sickle cell trait gives partial protection against malaria.
Annals of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology 78, 395-404.
40. Fleming AF, Akintunde EA, Harrison KA, Dunn D (1985)
Leucocyte counts during pregnancy and the puerperium and at birth in Nigerians.
East African Medical Journal 62, 175-182.
41. Harrison KA (1985)
Cephalopelvic disproportion in the Third World.
In: Crawford JW (ed). Risk of Labour.
Chichester, John Wiley, pp. 33-54.
42. Harrison KA (1985)
Monograph. Child-bearing, health and social priorities: a survey of 22774 consecutive hospital births in Zaria, Northern Nigeria.
British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 92 supplement 5,1-119
43. Harrison K.A (1985)
In Harrison K.A.ed. Childbearing, health and social priotities.
British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Volume 92 Supplement 5 pages 1-2.
44. Harrison K.A. (1985)
Background information
In Harrison K.A.ed. Childbearing, health and social priorities.
British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Volume 92 Supplement 5 pages 3-13.
45. Harrison K.A, Rossiter C.E, Chong H, Lister U.G, Bano Q, Briggs N.D, Ekwempu C.C, Memberr M.T.(1985)
Antenatal care, formal education and child-bearing.
In Harrison K.A. ed. Childbearing, health and social priorities.
British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Volume 92, Supplement 5,
pages 14- 22
46. Harrison K.A, Rossiter C.E, Chong H, Lister U.G, Bano Q, Briggs, N.D, Ekwempu, C.C, Memberr M.T.(1985).
The influence of maternal age and parity on child-bearing with special reference to primigravidae aged 15 years and under.
In Harrison K.A.ed. Childbearing, health and social priorities.
British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Volume 92, Supplement 5,
pages 23-31.
47. Harrison K.A, Fleming A.F, Briggs N.D, Rossiter C.E. (1985)
Growth during pregnancy in Nigerian teenage primigravidae.
In Harrison K.A. ed. Childbearing, health and social priorities.
British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Volume 92, Supplement 5,
pages 32-39.
48. Harrison K.A, Rossiter C.E, Chong H. (1985).
Relations between maternal height, fetal birthweight and cephalopelvic disproportion suggest that youngNigerian primigravidae grow during pregnancy.
In Harrison K.A ed. Childbearing, health and social priorities.
British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Volume 92 Supplement 5 pages 40-48.
49. Harrison K.A, Rossiter C.E. (1985).
Multiple pregnancy.
In Harrison K.A. ed. Childbearing, health and social priorities.
British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Volume 92 Supplement 5 pages 49-60.
50. Harrison K.A.(1985)
Mode of delivery with notes on rupture of the gravid uterus and vesicovaginal fistula.
In Harrison K.A. ed. Childbearing, health and social priorities.
British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Volume 92 Supplement 5 pages 61-71.
51. Harrison K.A. (1985)
Pregnancy outcome following previous caesarean section, previous vesicovaginal fistula repair and previous surgical treatment of ectopic pregnancy.
In Harrison K.A. ed. Childbearing, health and social priorities.
British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Volume 92 Supplement 5 pages 72-80.
52. Harrison K.A, Ekanem A.D, Chong H.(1985).
Easily identifiable congenital malformations.
In Harrison K.A ed. Childbearing, health and social priorities.
British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Volume 92 Supplement 5 pages 81-85.
53. Harrison K.A, Lister U.G, Rossiter C.E, Chong H.(1985).
Perinatal mortality.
In Harrison K.A. ed. Childbearing, health and social priorities.
British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Volume 92 Supplement 5 pages 86-99.
54. Harrison K.A, Rossiter C.E. (1985).
Maternal mortality.
In Harrison K.A. ed. Childbearing, health and social priorities.
British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Volume 92 Supplement 5
pages 100-115.
55. Harrison K.A. (1985).
In Harrison K.A. ed. Childbearing, health and social priorities.
British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Volume 92 Supplement 5 pages 116.
56. Harrison KA (1985)
A review of maternal mortality in Nigeria with particular reference to the situation in Zaria, Northern Nigeria 1976-79.
World Health Organisation inter-regional meeting on prevention of maternal mortality. Geneva, November 1985. FME/PMM/85.9.12.
57. Harrison KA (1985)
Maternal morbidity.
World Health Organisation inter-regional meeting on prevention of maternal mortality. Geneva, November 1985. FME/PMM/85.8.
58. Fleming AF, Ghataoura GBS, Harrison KA, Briggs ND, Dunn DT, (1986)
The prevention of anaemia in pregnancy in primigravidae in the guinea savannah of Nigeria.
Annals of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology 80, 211-233.
59. Harrison KA, Rossiter CE, Tan H (1986)
Family planning and maternal mortality in the third world.
Lancet 327, 1441 (letter).
60. Fathalla M, Harrison KA, Kwast B, Bhasker Rao BK (1986)
Forum interview – prevention of maternal mortality.
World health forum 7, 50-55.
61. Harrison KA (1986)
Literacy, parity, family planning and maternal mortality in the third world.
Lancet 328, 866 (letter).
62. Harrison KA (1986)
Maternal morbidity.
Network, Family planning international 9: I, 10-11.
63. Aitken A, Bhasker Rao K, Fathalla M, Harrison KA, Kwast BE, Severyns (1986)
Essential obstetric functions at first referral level. Report of a technical working group, Geneva, 1986.
Rapporteur: Harrison KA. World Health Organisation. Division of Family Health, Geneva, 1-41.
64. Editorial (1987) Maternal health in sub-Saharan Africa.
Lancet 329, 255-257.
65. Harrison KA (1987)
Children crippled by childbirth.
People, 14:3 12-13.
66. Harrison KA, Rossiter CE (1987)
Plan of action for reducing perinatal mortality and morbidity in the developing world: one obstetrician’s viewpoint.
Bulletin of the International Paediatric Association 9, 174-189.
67. Harrison KA, Briggs ND, John CT, Memberr MTB, Lolomari DO (1988)
Growth during early teenage pregnancy.
Lancet 331, 1226-1227 (letter).
68. Harrison KA (1988)
Severity of anaemia and operative mortality and morbidity.
Lancet 331, 1392-1393 (letter).
69. Harrison KA (1988)
Maternal mortality – a sharper focus on a major issue of our time.
Tropical Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 1: 9 – 13.
70 .Harrison K. A.(1989)
Sponsored by Carnegie Corporation of New York May 1988 to July 1989
71. Harrison KA (1989)
Maternal mortality.
Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 83, 449-453.
72. Armstrong S, Canavan K, Cook R, Harrison KA, Lewitt S, Lopez A, Royston E, Beatrice Selwyn, Tietze C, Winnikoff B (1989)
In: Royston E and Armstrong S (ed). Preventing Maternal Deaths. World Health Organisation Publications, 1-233.
73. Harrison KA (1989)
Organisation of services to reduce maternal mortality.
In: Kessel E, Awan AK (ed). Maternal and child care in developing countries. Proceedings: Third International Congress for Maternal and Neonatal Health 1987. Lahore, Pakistan. Ott Publishers, Thun, Switzerland, 69-79.
74. Commentary (1989) Maternal mortality in developing countries.
British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 96, 1-3.
75. Harrison KA (1989)
Maternal mortality in developing countries.
British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 96, 1121-1123.
(Author’s reply).
76. Harrison KA (1990)
Maternal mortality in developing countries.
British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 97, 88-89.
(Author’s reply).
77. Harrison KA (1990)
Social and health factors contributing to high maternal mortality.
In Bullough CHW, Lennox CE, Lawson JB (ed). Maternity care in developing countries. Proceedings of a meeting at the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, June/July 1989 London.pp 3-5.
78. Harrison KA (1990)
Maternal mortality in Nigeria.
In: Safe motherhood initiative Nigeria 1990: Reducing deaths and disabilities from pregnancy and childbirth.
Report of the meeting in Abuja, Nigeria, under the auspices of the society of gynaecology and obstetrics of Nigeria. University of Port Harcourt Press, vol. 2, pp. 78-105.
79. Harrison KA (1990)
Towards better maternal and perinatal health in sub-Saharan Africa: our work has been cut out for us.
Distinguished annual lecture for 1990 at the National Institute for Policy and Strategic Studies, Kuru,
19 October 1990.
80. Harrison KA (1990)
Predicting trends in operative delivery for cephalopelvic disproportion in Africa.
Lancet 335, 861-862 (letter).
81. Harrison KA, Briggs ND, Oruamabo RS (1991)
Technology-free obstetrics.
Lancet 338, 382-383 (letter).
82. Harrison KA (1992)
Are the most relevant and important problems addressed by the present system of care? Maternal health care in an international perspective.
Proceedings of the XXII Berzelius symposium. Stockholm 1991.
Reklam and Katalogtryck. Uppsala. Pp 75-84.
83. Harrison K.A. (1992).
Mass illiteracy is very dangerous for maternal health.
Award Winners Lecture, Nigerian National Merit Award.
Niran Modern Printers. Lagos pages 1-25.
84. Oruamabo RS, Harrison KA (1995)
Perinatal mortality and priorities in perinatal care in Nigeria.
Nigerian Medical Practitioner 30, 52-55.
85. Harrison KA, John CT (1996)
Maternal health in developing countries.
Lancet 347, 400.(letter).
86. Harrison KA (1996)
Poverty, deprivation and maternal health. 1995 William Meredith Fletcher Shaw Memorial Lecture.
1996 Yearbook of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. London,.chapter 5, pp 33-44.
87. Harrison K. A.(1996)
Editorial. Macroeconomics and the African mother
Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine 89, 361-362.
88. Harrison K. A (1997).
Commentary. Maternal mortality in Nigeria: the real issues.
African Journal of Reproductive Health 1, 7-13.
89. Harrison KA (1997)
The importance of the educated healthy woman in Africa.
Lancet 349, 644-647.
90. Harrison KA, Seppala M (1997)
Women and market forces.
Lancet 350 End of year review (supplement III) p.16.
91 . Harrison K.A (1997)
Obstetric Research in Nigeria: the end of the beginning.
Convocation Lecture at Nigerian National Postgraduate Medical College Lagos 18 September 1997.
92 Harrison KA (1998)
Childbearing and reproduction
In: Middleton J. (ed). The Encyclopedia of Africa: south of the Sahara.
volume 1, pages 265-272.
93. Harrison K.A. (2000).
Can reproductive health be improved without eliminating poverty?
In Puri C.P Van Look P.F.A.ed. Sexual and reproductive health. Recent advances. Future directions. Volume II
New Age International Ltd. New Delhi. Pages 469 – 474.
94.Text book. Maternity Care in Developing Countries editors Lawson J.B, Harrison K.A, Bergström S.
RCOG Press. London. ISBN 1 900364 39 5
2001. pp 422. 26 chapters.
95. Harrison K.A, Bergström S (2001)
Poverty, deprivation and unsafe motherhood.
In: Lawson J.B, Harrison K.A, Bergström S. (ed) Maternity care in developing countries.
RCOG Press. London. Pages 1-20.
96. Bhasker Rao K, Harrison K.A, Bergström S.(2001).
Organisation of maternity care in developing countries.
In: Lawson J.B, Harrison K.A, Bergström S. (ed) Maternity care in developing countries.
RCOG Press. London. Pages 21-36.
97. Harrison K.A.(2001)
Bacterial and viral infections in pregnancy. Introduction.
In: Lawson J.B, Harrison K.A, Bergström S. (ed) Maternity care in developing countries.
RCOG Press. London. Pages 77-78.
98. Harrison K.A. (2001).
Viral hepatitis.
In Lawson J.B, Harrison K.A, Bergström S.(ed) Maternity care in developing countries.
RCOG Press. London. Pages 78- 83.
99. Harrison K.A. (2001).
Pulmonary tuberculosis.
In Lawson J.B, Harrison K.A, Bergström S.(ed). Maternity care in developing countries.
RCOG Press. London. Pages 83- 86.
100. Harrison K.A. (2001).
Diarrhoeal diseases.
In Lawson J.B, Harrison K.A, Bergström S.(ed). Maternity care in developing countries.
RCOG Press. London. Pages 86-88.
101. Harrison K.A. (2001).
Malaria in pregnancy.
In Lawson J.B, Harrison K.A, Bergström S. (ed) Maternity care in developing countries.
RCOG Press. London. Pages. 99-111.
102. Harrison K.A.(2001).
Anaemia in pregnancy.
In: Lawson J.B, Harrison K.A, Bergström S. (ed). Maternity care in developing countries.
RCOG Press. London. Pages 112 –128.
103. Harrison K.A. (2001).
Haemoglobinopathies in pregnancy.
In: Lawson J.B, Harrison K.A, Bergström S.(ed). Maternity care in developing countries.
RCOG Press. London. Pages 129- 145.
104. Harrison K.A, Lawson J.B. (2001).
Puerperal disorders.
In: Lawson J.B, Harrison K.A, Bergström S. (ed). Maternity care in developing countries.
RCOG Press.London . Pages. 231-244.
105. Harrison KA (2003)
Reproductive health struggles in Nigeria.
Lancet 362. 582 (letter).
106. Harrison K.A. (2004)
Why are 4 million newborn babies dying every year?
Lancet 364. 1121 (letter).
107. Harrison KA (2004) A formidable fountain of African medical knowledge. Lancet. 363, 2197.
Review of Principles of Medicine in Africa. 3rd edition. Eldryd Parry, Richard Godfrey, David Mabey, Godfrey Gill, eds. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, Pp 1462. £120. Book review.
108. Harrison K.A.(2006). An autobiography.
An Arduous Climb: From the creeks of Niger Delta to leading obstetrician and university vice chancellor
Adonis and Abbey Publishers London ISBN 1-905068395 (PB) 1-905068-42-5 (HB)
109. Harrison K A (2007)
Nigerian politics and safe motherhood
BJOG 114. 771-772 (letter).
110. Harrison K. A. (2007)
Reducing Nigeria’s high maternal and newborn mortality and morbidity.
BJOG 114. 1178 (letter).
111. Harrison K.A. (2009) Transforming health systems to improve lives of women and newborn babies in Nigeria.
Keynote address at Nigerian National Health Conference at Uyo, Akwa Ibom State Nigeria on 8 June 2009
112. Harrison K. A.(2009)
Commentary. The struggle to reduce high maternal mortality in Nigeria
African Journal of Reproductive Health 13, 9-20.
113. Harrison K.A (2010)
Vesicovaginal Fistula and Pregnancy.
BJOG 117, 116.
114. Harrison KA (2010)
Sowing the Seeds of Safe Motherhood in Sub Saharan Africa.
Adonis and Abbey. Publishers. London ISBN 9781906704780
115. Harrison K. A. (2011)
Are traditional birth attendants good for improving maternal and perinatal health? No.
BMJ 2011; 342: d3308
116. Harrison K. A. (2011)
Traditional birth attendants
Author’s reply to Gill and colleagues
BMJ 2011; 343:d4477.
117. Harrison KA (2012)
Preventing Maternal Deaths in Nigeria: Looking Back and Looking Forward.
Professor Olikoye Ransome-Kuti Memorial Lecture Series. Number 7.
A Publication of Women’s Health and Action Research Centre (WHARC).pages 12-44
Click to access Preventing-maternal-deaths-in-Nigeria-looking-back-and-looking-forward.pdf
118. Harrison K. A. (2017)
Commentary: We reap what we sow
Niger Delta Medical Journal 1 (i): 5 – 13.
119. Harrison K.A. (2018)
Open these gates.
LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing. ISBN- 10 – 6202073497. 232 pages.
120. Harrison K.A.(2018)
Obituary: Charles Edward Rossiter 1935-2017 & Frank Eywind Hytten 1923-2018.
Niger Delta Medical Journal; 2(1) 43-47.
121. Harrison K. A.(2018)
From my personal archive-Obstetric Research in Nigeria: the beginning of the end
Niger Delta Medical Journal;2(2):5-12.
KAH Publications 1966-2018
NOTE This list of publications includes one monograph, one autobiography, and three textbooks. They are:
42. Harrison KA (1985)
Monograph. Child-bearing, health and social priorities: a survey of 22774 consecutive hospital births in Zaria, Northern Nigeria.
British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 92 supplement 5,pp 1-119
94.Text book.Maternity Care in Developing Countries editors Lawson J.B, Harrison K.A, Bergström S.
RCOG Press. London. ISBN 1 900364 39 5
2001. pp 422. 26 chapters.
108. Harrison K.A.(2006). An autobiography.
An Arduous Climb: From the creeks of Niger Delta to leading obstetrician and university vice chancellor
Adonis and Abbey Publishers London ISBN 1-905068395 (PB) 1-905068-42-5 (HB) pp389
114. Harrison KA (2010)
Sowing the Seeds of Safe Motherhood in Sub Saharan Africa.
Adonis and Abbey. Publishers. London ISBN 9781906704780 pp476
119. Harrison K.A. (2018)
Open these gates.
LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing. ISBN- 10 – 6202073497. pp232.
– Sports (especially cricket) – Played at school and university levels both in Nigeria and in London. At international level, he represented Nigeria against Ghana, Sierra Leone and Gambia, as opening batsman and wicket keeper in the 1950s and 1960s. At Government College Umuahia where he had his secondary school
education, he was in the college first eleven at football, hockey and cricket, and was captain of cricket. He won the top prize in cricket which was the Resident’s bat for the 1950-51 season. At University College Ibadan, I was wicket keeper and opening batsman of the college’s first eleven.
– Music and Drama – He listens and reads rather than perform. The major attraction being classical and baroque music, old fashioned jazz, West African High Life with traditional Kalabari music being an additional source of real enjoyment. He also participated in Drama, and
was Pooh Bah at the college’s performance of the Gilbert and Sullivan opera “The Mikado” in 1951.
– Gardening.
(1946 – 1951) – Full government scholarship at Government College, Umuahia.
(1952 – 1955) – College Scholar, University College, Ibadan.
(1955) – Faculty prize, 2nd MB, BS examination, University College, Ibadan.
(1958) – MB,BS degree with honours and distinction in obstetrics and Gynaecology, University of London.
(1963) – Postgraduate training scholarship from the Board of Management, University College Hospital, Ibadan.
(1989) – Specialist scholarship from the Finnish Ministry of Education, Helsinki.
– Member, Society of Gynaecology and Obstetrics of Nigeria (SOGON), 1965 to date;
– Member, Planning Committee of Diobu Teaching Hospital, Port Harcourt: under its charge, the school of health technology and the nurses’ hostel accommodation at Port Harcourt were built but not the teaching hospital itself, 1972;
– Member, Medical Research Council of Nigeria: it shaped the pattern of medical research countrywide, and was the principal research granting body, 1973-1977;
– Member, Health Management Board. Rivers State, 1977/78;
– Member, Rivers State Medical Consultative Committee: it was the principal advisory body to the State Commissioner of Health on policy formulation and implementation in health care, 1987-1988;
– Member, National Task Force on VVF, 1990-1995;
– President, National Foundation on VVF, 1996-1998.
Apr 1969 – Dec 1969: Serving under the late Dr. Melford Semabo Graham-Douglas, the then permanent secretary in the newly created Rivers State ministry of health, Mr Harrison accepted the challenge of directing the rebuilding of the maternity services after their destruction through military action during our civil war. Based largely but not entirely in Port Harcourt, Mr Harrison and his colleagues succeeded. Besides, their advice and those of others saw to the establishment of the Rivers State School of Nursing and Midwifery.
1970: Member, University of Ibadan Vice-Chancellor’s Rehabilitation Committee – Set up at the end of the civil war, the committee organised the relief, rehabilitation and reabsorption of students and those members of staff of the university of Ibadan who were affected by the Nigerian civil war.
– Temporary adviser: Assistance with the preparation of a WHO monograph on maternal mortality, Geneva, Jul 1984;
– Temporary adviser: visitation and preparation of a report on activities at the collaborating centre for training and research in pregnancy and perinatal care, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Oct – Nov 1984;
– Consultant at the inter-regional meeting on prevention of maternal mortality, Geneva, Nov 1985;
– Consultant and rapporteur, Expert committee on “Essential obstetric functions at the first referral level”, Geneva. Jun – Jul 1986. (This was subsequently published with the title of “Essential elements of obstetric care at first referral level.” World Health Organisation, Geneva 1991);
– WHO consultant group on standards related to maternal and child health and the perinatal period. Washington. USA, Mar – Apr 1987;
– Membership of committee on resources for research, Special Programme of Research, Development and Research Training in Human Reproduction, 1987 – 1990;
– Membership of WHO technical working group on “Obstetric Fistula”, Apr 1989;
– Chairman of technical discussions on “Reducing maternal mortality: a challenge for the 21 st century . Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. It was preceded by visits to the WHO-Afro Headquarters at Harare Zimbabwe the year before. Aug 2000.
– 20 Mar 1978: Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria “Childbearing in Zaria”.
– 8 Jun 1983: University of Ibadan, Paul Hendrickse Memorial Lecture for 1983, “Lessons from a survey of 22,000 Nigerian births”.
– 19 Oct 1990: National Institute for Policy and Strategic Studies, Kuru. Distinguished annual lecture for 1990. “Toward better maternal and perinatal health in sub-Saharan Africa”.
– 1 Dec 1992: The 1992 Nigerian National Merit Award: Award winner's lecture. “Mass illiteracy is very dangerous for maternal health”. Abuja.
– 16 Sep 1997: National Postgraduate Medical College of Nigeria. The 15th convocation lecture. Title: “Obstetric research in Nigeria: the end of the beginning.”
– 25 Aug 2009 WHARC Lecture delivered at Abuja. “Maternal mortality in Nigeria: the past, the present and the future”.
– 1 Jun 2012: WHARC. 7 th Professor Olikoye Ransome Kuti Memorial Lecture.
Title: “Preventing Maternal Deaths in Nigeria: Looking Back and Looking Forward”
– 15 June 2016: First Distinguished Guest Lecture at University of Medical Sciences Ondo City at Ondo. Title: “We reap what we sow”.
(1964 – 1970): Physiopathological changes in severe anaemia in pregnancy, with special reference to changes in blood volume, before and after blood transfusion, with and without added ethacrynic acid, a potent diuretic.
(1960 – 1972): Abnormal haemoglobins especially sickle cell disease in pregnancy. Malaria in pregnancy
(1972 – 1985): Social epidemiology of childbearing in Zaria.
(1985 to date): Maternal Health in the Third World.
– George Macdonald Medal, 1987;
– Foundation member, International Advisory Board of The Lancet medical journal, 1991- 2001;
– 1995 William Meredith Fletcher Shaw Memorial Lecture on invitation by the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, London. Title: Poverty, Deprivation and Maternal Health, 1996;
– Keynote address at the 17 th annual convention and scientific assembly of Association of Nigerian Physicians in the Americas on 7 th July at Chicago. Title: The continuing high maternal mortality and morbidity in Nigeria is unacceptable, 2011.
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